Autor: AEA - EAL

Save a Date – International соnfеrеnсе on the topic “Gеndеr equality as раrt of intеrnаtiоnаl human rights law” in Baku-Azerbaijan

Dear AEA-EAL Members,

The members of the European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL) were invited by the Azerbaijan Ваr Association the international соnfеrеnсе on the topic “Gеndеr equality as раrt of intеrnаtiоnаl human rights law”.

The conference is dedicated to the cherished mеmоrу of Ms. Süreyya Ağaoğlu who was the first female lаwуеr in Тurkey (worked as a lawyer from 1927 till 1989) and Аzеrbаijаn as well as the second president of the International Confederation of Woman Lawyers.

When: June 1-4, 2023

Where: Baku-Azerbaijan

Organizers: Azerbaijan Bar Association, Сhаmbеr of Advocates of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) -Project Со-оrdinаtоr in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The organizers kindly ask you to confirm your availability before May 5th, by contacting the Head of the International Cooperation Department of the ABA, Narmin Abbasova by emailing (cc.

Note: There are no fees required to attend the conference, as well as to join the Gala dinner and Cultural program.

Webinar “AI in Chinese Courts – A first-hand account”

On April 20, 2023 Webinar “AI in Chinese Courts – A first-hand account” took place.

Webinar was organized by the New Technologies Committee of the European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL) with the involvement of the Shenzen Lawyers Association.

The general overview, as well as the moderation of the webinar, was made by Mr. Iain G. Mitchell KC – Barrister and King’s Counsel as well as Chairperson of the New Technologies Committee of the European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL)

Presentations were made by: Mrs. Monika Susalko, Mr. Adam Kaczko, Mr. T.J Shen, and Mr. Derrick Lau.

The meeting focused on information regarding Artificial Intelligence tools in the European Legal and Judicial System, as well as on the situation in the United Kingdom. The speakers also made an overview of ethical guidelines for Artificial Intelligence in Europe.

Our invited guests from the Shenzen Lawyers Association represented issues regarding the Application of AI Technology in Legal Proceedings in China, the Basic Legal Landscape, Legal and Compliance risks in China.

Opening remarks of the webinar made Maria Ślązak – President of  he European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL)  and  Winston Gao – Chief of the International Committee Shenzhen Lawyers Association.

Maria Ślązak reminded the Memorandum of Understanding signed in Warsaw in 2016 between the National Bar of Attorneys at Law and All China lawyers which brought the possibility of organizing common conferences, seminars, and webinars for the benefit of the legal profession, citizens, and Justice. She also mentioned the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Shenzen Lawyers Association with Gdansk Bar of Attorney at Law  in 2017 in Gdansk.

In the closing remarks Magdalena Witkowska – Dean of the Gdańsk Bar of Attorneys-at-Law expressed her readiness to be actively involved in the meetings on a similar topic which should  have a continuing character in the near future.








Webinar April 20, 2023 „AI in Chinese Courts – A first-hand account”

AI in Chinese Courts – A first-hand account

DATE: April 20, 2023

Time: 13:00 – 15:00 CET

Webinar is organized by: AEA-EAL – New Technologies Committee 

Opening Remarks:

Maria Ślązak – President of the European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL)

Mr. Winston Gao  – Chief of International Committee Shenzhen Lawyers Association

Iain G. Mitchell KC –Barrister and King’s Counsel
– AI in UK Courts

Invited Speakers:
Representatives from the Shenzhen Lawyers Association
– AI in Chinese Courts

Platform: Zoom

Language: English

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

International Scientific and Practical Conference “Lawyers for the Rule of Law. Strengthening the Impact of Education on Justice. Restoring the right to defense in new realities, and the human rights lawyers’ right to association”.

On April 4-5, 2023 International Scientific and Practical Conference “Lawyers for the Rule of Law. Strengthening the Impact of Education on Justice. Restoring the right to defense in new realities, and the human rights lawyers’ right to Association” took place in Vilnius.

Organizers and Partners were the Center for Constitutionalism and Human Rights, European Humanities University; International Law in Advocacy – ILIA; University without Borders; Belarusian Human Rights House. Our Association was represented by its President Maria Ślązak, who addressed the audience in the first panel “European instrument on the protection of lawyers and lawyers’ associations: status and a search for answers to the main questions”. The considerations of organizers concentrated on the necessity of creating safe conditions of work for human rights lawyers, especially in countries where bars are not independent. Human rights defenders hope very much that they will also be included in the future Convention on Protection of Lawyers.

The second panel of the Conference: “An Association of independent lawyers: the Voice of Belarusian Lawyers and a Search for normative instruments for the professional guarantees realization” was dedicated to the situation of Belarusian lawyers who suffer much harassment from their government. In consequence, many of them left the country to avoid arrests, imprisonment, or danger to their families. The group of Belarusian colleagues, who emigrated, established the independent association of lawyers. To express the support for the Belarusian lawyers three AEA-EAL’s Board Members were present at this panel: Monique Stengel from Paris, a member of AEA-EAL Human Rights Committee, Olivier d’Ursel from Brussels, who at the same time represented the Human Rights Institute of the Brussels French Speaking Bar and Nielson Sanchez Stewart, Spanish lawyer, who passed on behalf of Abogacia Espanola Consejo General words of condemnation for repressions towards Belarussian colleagues.

The event in Vilnius continues the scientific and practical cooperation of civil society organizations, professional associations of lawyers, international organizations, and academic institutions focused on the implementation of the principle of the rule of law, and especially the protection of human rights. The project “Lawyers for the Rule of Law: Human Rights Training and Education”, continued for more than a decade, concentrates on the educational activities of experts and alumni of the Center for Constitutionalism and Human Rights which cooperates with the International Law in Advocacy (ILIA) and the University Without Borders.

European Young Bar Association (EYBA) Spring Conference on the 30th Anniversary

European Young Bar Association (EYBA) Spring Conference on the 30th  Anniversary  was held in Lisbon 

On March 25th, 2023 our President Maria Ślązak participated virtually in the EYBA General Meeting and addressed the audience.  It was highlighted that EYBA, celebrating this year 30th Anniversary,  and AEA-EAL have strengthened cooperation in the last five years through various common activities and projects.

Further collaboration of both Associations will be continued in the interest of members and in the interest of justice systems of their countries.

Representation and the Role of a Lawyer in Mediation

On Wednesday, March 15, 2023, an interesting online meeting took Place dedicated to Representation and the Role of a Lawyer in Mediation. The Event was organized by the European Association of Lawyers.

The meeting focused on presenting information regarding the European Code of Conduct for Mediators including the priority of interests of the client, the main principles in the mediation process, appropriate ethical behaviors for mediators, as well as “How lawyers can avoid ruining mediation”

During the opening speech Maria Ślązak, AEA-EAL President, noted the importance of the role of a Lawyer in the Mediation Process.

Our Organization was represented by:

Prof. Irakli Kandashvili – Chairperson of the Mediation Committee (AEA – EAL)
Djamshid Turdaliev – Mediator, Member of the Board of Bar of Uzbekistan
Luiza Romanadze – Mediator, President of the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation
Svetlana Sergeyeva – Attorney, Mediator, Vice-President of Ukrainian Academy of Mediation
Iain G. Mitchell KC – Barrister and King’s Counsel

The event was concluded by Maria Ślązak, AEA-EAL President who represented information regarding the ECHR Knowledge Sharing platform (ECHR-KS). It was highlighted that the mission of the Platform is to share Convention case-law knowledge, complementing the existing information tools such as HUDOC.

Event dedicated to International Women’s Day

On March 14, 2023, a special event “Everything you always wanted to know about lawyers but were afraid to ask” took place which was dedicated to International Women’s day. The event was jointly organized by The Opole Bar of Attorneys-at-Law and the European Association of Lawyers.

The event was featuring lawyers from India, China, Italy, Germany, Austria, Romania, Serbia, UK.

AEA-EAL President Maria Ślązak as well as Dean of the District Council of the Chamber of Legal Advisers in Opole Katarzyna Bisowska – greeted all participants and in their welcoming remarks.

The meeting was focused on sharing personal experiences by answering questions regarding the personal life of a lawyer woman, work-life balance challenges as well as the system of legal education, and the role of lawyers’ organizations, women vs. men. It was highlighted that, although women slowly found their place in the legal profession since the 19th century, women still face challenges in the Legal Profession. There are still traditional sexual stereotypes, inflexible workplace structures, and inadequate access to mentoring.

Special guests and speakers: Sabine Fuhrmann (Germany), Alix Frank-Thomasser (Austria), Arcadia Hinescu (Romania), Tanya Jha (India), Ana Nestorovic (Serbia), Beange Dorota (UK), Sharon Shi (China), Shirin Amirgaliyeva (Kazakhstan)

Committee of Experts on the Protection of Lawyers (CJ-AV) – 4th meeting

President of the European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL) Maria Ślązak participated in the fourth meeting of the Committee of Experts on the Protection of Lawyers (CJ-AV) that was held in person from 1 to 3 March 2023 in Strasbourg.

The CJ-AV consists of 15 representatives of member States, and representatives of several international bodies such as the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the European Court of Human Rights, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers. The Committee itself is tasked with the elaboration of a legal instrument aimed at strengthening the protection of the profession of lawyer and the right to practice the profession without prejudice or restraint, under the authority of the Committee of Ministers and of the European Committee on Legal Co-operation (CDCJ).

Observer members of the Committee are, among others, representatives of international lawyers’ organizations, including the European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL). Since 2017, our Association has actively participated in discussions and works on future legal instruments protecting lawyers’ rights.

Participants of the meeting concentrated on the continuation of drafting the proposal of legal instrument aiming at strengthening the protection of the profession of lawyer and the right to practice without prejudice or restraint. Part of the meeting was devoted to the consideration of enforcement mechanisms. The work will be still continued at the two following meetings this year and three other meetings next year, including the exchange of the correspondence between the parties in the period between the sessions in person.

More information as well as a meeting report about the event can be found here:

Join an online event – International Women’s Day, „Everything you wanted to know about lawyers but were afraid to ask” – March 14, 2023.

We are pleased to announce that on March 14, 2023. there will be an online International Women’s Day event featuring lawyers from India, China, Italy, Germany, Austria, Romania, Serbia, UK.

The event will be in the form of an interview titled „Everything you wanted to know about lawyers but were afraid to ask.”

  • Date: March 14, 2023
  • Time:16:00 pm – 19:00 pm  (CET)
  • Online zoom platform
  • Register in advance for this meeting:

Registration for the event will be possible from March 6

Organizers and partners:

  • OIRP – Okręgowa Izba Radców Prawnych  in Opole
  • European Association of Lawyers – Association Européenne des Avocats (AEA-EAL)



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