Autor: AEA - EAL

IBA-Europe-Caucasus-Asia Forum 2019

The Forum will gather managing partners, heads of practice, in-house lawyers, and other senior practitioners coming from, or interested in, the ECA region.

Apart from discussion of cutting-edge issues of the legal market and profession, the event will offer a wonderful cultural and social programme.

– Legal challenges of investing in Caucasus and Central Asia
– Navigating investment risks in times of uncertainty: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova
– International Clients Service – what does it mean to work with globally active clients?
– Environment in the legal profession – unfair HR practices
– How do we foster a more equal, diverse and inclusive legal profession?
– Burnout of lawyers: something unavoidable?
– M&A transactions in the ECA region
– New world – new tax
– Dispute resolution in the region

Maria Ślązak, AEA-EAL President will be a speaker during this event.

More information and registration is available here.

Guide to get ready for Brexit

October 11, 2019

Juan Núñez

On 5 September this year, the European Commission published a checklist to provide assistance for European businesses trading with the United Kingdom in the case of a “no-deal” Brexit scenario. It encourages companies to take measures to keep cross-border trade disruption to a minimum and calls on them to prepare for all possible scenarios.

The checklist can be downloaded from the following link: You can also call Europe’s ECAS helpline with specific inquiries on 00 800 67891011.

Amongst other measures, the Commission has proposed a European Solidarity Fund and a European Globalization Adjustment Fund to provide assistance to those employers and workers most affected by an increasingly likely no-deal Brexit. In addition, the Commission has proposed various technical measures and adjustments to facilitate a smoother transition in the field of the movement of passengers and goods, guaranteeing basic connections, as well as in fisheries and agriculture, with special financial aid. Solutions avoiding a “hard border” between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland are also being studied. If the United Kingdom leaves the Union without agreement, there will be no transitional period, and individuals and companies will automatically lose their equal treatment status. Therefore, the United Kingdom is expected to address at least three issues to mitigate the impact of this: the preservation of the right to free movement of people who have enjoyed it so far, the maintenance of financial commitments, and respect for provisions of the Good Friday peace agreement for Northern Ireland.

7th International Conference of Advocates

The Georgian Bar Association in partnership with the Council of Europe is delighted to host International Conference of Advocates for the seventh consecutive year. The Conference will take place in Tbilisi – a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-religious city on the crossroads of history which attracts visitors since 5th century AD when it became the capital city of Georgia and which represents a nice blend of both East and West.

The Conference will focus on the issue of “the Role of Bar Associations and Law Societies in Effective Administration of Justice” and it will showcase the presentations of Council of Europe experts on European standards and presentations of Bar leaders on country perspectives concerning the following areas:

– Key aspects of independence of legal profession and of their professional unions;
– Importance and the ways of effective cooperation among Bar, Judiciary and Prosecution;
– Interrelationship between the use of social networks by advocates and their ethical obligations in the context of freedom of expression.

The best practices will be analyzed and compiled in a joint working document which will be shared with all the participants and subsequently published for further guidance and reference for the benefit of the profession of lawyer in the countries concerned.

Further information and registration are available here.

I International Forum of Law Offices in Wrocław

Aleksandra Siewicka – Marszałek, AES-EAL Secretary General, represented our Association during the I International Forum of Law Offices in Wrocław, organized by the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Wrocław Bar of Attorneys-at-Law. Aleksandra presented the AEA-EAL and its activities focusing on our networking role and gathering lawyers from various countries and jurisdictions.

AEA-EAL signs the statement on Philippines

The AEA-EAL, together with other international organizations of lawyers, bar associations and law societies, issued a Statement THE PHILIPPINES: ATTACKS AGAINST LAWYERS ESCALATING. We call the administration of President Duerte to stop any attacks and harassments against lawyers and to secure the true independence of the profession.

Please find below the statement for download in pdf as well as ready for reading as picture.

Philippine Statement September 2019 final

Legal Business Forum, 17 – 19 October 2019 in Łódź, Poland


Organized in the „Polish Manchester”, industrial XIX century city of Łódź Legal Business Forum had the aim to show a practical implementation of new technologies in our daily work. We focused on such topics as digital transformation in law offices, impact and making use of concrete IT tools like blockchain, smart contracts, etc. in the light of changing professional practice, predictive justice or Artificial Intelligence and robotics in law and regulations. Our priority was to present very practical innovation and technologies and its influence on performing legal profession and business.

Fantastic first panel on technological change on legal services market brought three perspectives: from a legal practitioner, from a bar association and from a legaltech start-up.

Second panel on new technologies and IT tools in legal practice showed us a case of an phishing attack on a law firm and its consequences, a look into smart contracts as well as how AI may help lawyers not replacing them.

Third panel on AI and human rights gave us overview on serious issues connected: shall AI be a subject of human rights? How to attribute rights to it? And many many more!

The fourth panel was a combination of presentations and discussions between lawyers and business on supporting each other in the reality of technology and economy.

The fifth panel on blockchain technology took us into two divided worlds that should become one in future: world of lawyers and world of IT specialists.

The audience was not only listening to the speakers but discussed lively during the breaks

Download program and conference presentations:

Legal Business Forum programme

Anna Atanasow

Amirali Nasir panel 3

Amirali Nasir panel 5

Damian Klimas

Dominik Lubasz

Jacek Harasimowicz

Jakub Barwaniec

Jędrzej Klatka

Maciej Krasowski

Marcin Jan Wachowski

Maria Dymitruk

Maria Ślązak

Valentine Hollier Roux

More photos are available on our Facebook

Tbilisi Legal Forum

6 – 7 September 2019 in Tbilisi, Georgia

It was wonderful to be in Tbilisi again and to make such a great event – Tbilisi Legal Forum – together with the Georgian Bar Association and Hong Kong Law Society.

With 100 participants (Georgia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, China etc.) – among others 20 lawyers from Poland coming from our collective members – Białystok Bar of Attorneys-at-law and Gdańsk Bar of Attorneys-at-law , this conference was devoted to important issues connecting lawyers and entrepreneurs: business climate and investment regulations in Hong-Kong, China and Georgia, One Belt One Road Initiative and its legal aspects, setting up the procedure between participating parties to assist business community in their countries, to find a proper lawyer when investing/trading, information on principles of performing legal services by foreign lawyers, etc. The event took place in the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Georgian Bar Association and the Hong Kong Law Society. Similar memorandum has been signed between the HK Law Society and the Regional Bar of Attorneys-at- Law in Gdańsk, who was also participated in the Forum.

We welcomed many distinguished speakers and guests, among others Natela Turnava – Minister of Economic Development of Georgia, Nikoloz Alavidze – Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Georgia, Davit Aptsiauri, General Director of the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Special Representative of Georgian Government in the new Belt and Road Project, Anna Chernyshova – Deputy Resident Representative of UNDP Georgia, Nino Bakakuri – Judge, Supreme Court of Georgia, Irakli Lekvinadze – Business Ombudsman of Georgia, David Asatiani – President of the Georgian Bar Association, Melissa Pang – President of the Law Society of Hong Kong, Maria Slazak – President of the European Association of Lawyers, Stephen Hung – Past President and Council Member of the Law Society of Hong Kong, Wu Jian – All China Lawyers Association, Council of the Shanghai Bar Association, Mikheil Khidureli – CEO Enterprise Georgia, Levan Vepkhvadze – Executive Director of Business Association of Georgia, and Iamze Legashvili – Chair of the Dispute Resolution Center (DRC).

Conference presentations (for download)

Melisa Pang – 1

Melisaa Pang – 2

Mikheil Khidureli

Shi Jun

Stephan Hung – 1

Stephan Hung -2

Wu Jian

Tbilisi Legal Forum, 6 – 7 September 2019 in Tbilisi, Georgia

It was wonderful to be in Tbilisi again and to make such a great event – Tbilisi Legal Forum – together with the Georgian Bar Association and Hong Kong Law Society.

With 100 participants (Georgia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, China etc.) – among others 20 lawyers from Poland coming from our collective members – Białystok Bar of Attorneys-at-law and Gdańsk Bar of Attorneys-at-law , this conference was devoted to important issues connecting lawyers and entrepreneurs: business climate and investment regulations in Hong-Kong, China and Georgia, One Belt One Road Initiative and its legal aspects, setting up the procedure between participating parties to assist business community in their countries, to find a proper lawyer when investing/trading, information on principles of performing legal services by foreign lawyers, etc. The event took place in the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Georgian Bar Association and the Hong Kong Law Society. Similar memorandum has been signed between the HK Law Society and the Regional Bar of Attorneys-at- Law in Gdańsk, who was also participated in the Forum.

We welcomed many distinguished speakers and guests, among others Natela Turnava – Minister of Economic Development of Georgia, Nikoloz Alavidze – Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Georgia, Davit Aptsiauri, General Director of the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Special Representative of Georgian Government in the new Belt and Road Project, Anna Chernyshova – Deputy Resident Representative of UNDP Georgia, Nino Bakakuri – Judge, Supreme Court of Georgia, Irakli Lekvinadze – Business Ombudsman of Georgia, David Asatiani – President of the Georgian Bar Association, Melissa Pang – President of the Law Society of Hong Kong, Maria Slazak – President of the European Association of Lawyers, Stephen Hung – Past President and Council Member of the Law Society of Hong Kong, Wu Jian – All China Lawyers Association, Council of the Shanghai Bar Association, Mikheil Khidureli – CEO Enterprise Georgia, Levan Vepkhvadze – Executive Director of Business Association of Georgia, and Iamze Legashvili – Chair of the Dispute Resolution Center (DRC).

Conference presentations (for download)

Melisa Pang – 1

Melisaa Pang – 2

Mikheil Khidureli

Shi Jun

Stephan Hung – 1

Stephan Hung -2

Wu Jian

Summer Newsletter 2019

Dear AEA-EAL Members,
Dear Colleagues,

Please find attached the summer issue of our Newsletter.

We pay your particular attention to the forthcoming conference East – West Economic Cooperation: Tbilisi Legal Forum. Registration for this event is now available through the website

Your AEA-EAL Team

Newsletter summer 2019 EN


Chers membres de l’AEA-EAL,
Chers collègues,

Veuillez trouver ci-joint le numéro d’été de notre bulletin.

Nous accordons une attention particulière à la prochaine conférence COOPÉRATION ÉCONOMIQUE EST-OUEST: FORUM JURIDIQUE DE TBILISI. L’inscription à cet événement est désormais disponible sur l’site Web

Votre AEA-EAL Team

Newsletter summer 2019 FR


Уважаемые члены AEA-EAL!
Уважаемые коллеги,

Пожалуйста, приложите новый выпуск нашего информационного бюллетеня.

Мы обращаем ваше особое внимание на предстоящую конференцию ВОСТОЧНО-ЗАПАДНОЕ ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОЕ СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВО: ТБИЛИССКИЙ ЮРИДИЧЕСКИЙ ФОРУМ. Регистрация на это событие теперь доступна через наш сайт
Ваша команда AEA-EAL

Newsletter summer 2019 RU


Członkowie AEA-EAL
Drodzy koledzy i przyjaciele,

W załączeniu przesyłamy letni numer naszego Biuletynu.

Prosimy o zwrócenie szczególnej uwagi na informację o nadchodzącej konferencji: WSPÓŁPRACA GOSPODARCZA WSCHÓD ZACHÓD: FORUM PRAWNIKÓW W TBILISI. Rejestracja na to wydarzenie jest dostępna na stronie

Do Biuletynu załączona jest także informacja o specjalnej ofercie ERA dla polskich prawników oraz raport z realizacji projektu Twinningu Prawników w Gdańsku.

Wasz Zespół AEA-EAL

Newsletter summer 2019 PL

Special ERA offer for Polish lawyers

Academy of European Law (ERA) in Trier has prepared a special offer of a seminar on Legal Capacity of Persons with Disabilities.

The training is funded by the European Commission. ERA may reimburse cost of travel and accommodation for participants. More information is available in the below flyer (in Polish).

Deadline for registrations: August 25, 2019.

AEA-EAL is committed to handling your Personal data in ccompalince with applicable data protection laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"). If you have any questions, please contact us at Our privacy policy and cookies policy are available here.
AEA-EAL aisbl - siege social/headquartes: Avenue Louise 235 - 1050 Bruxelles/Brussels - Belgique/Belgium KBO/BCE 0465.302.664
phone: +32 (0)2 467 34 24 e-mail:

Copyright 2023 AEA-EAL