Shortcodes: Tables & Boxes

Tables with Predefined Colors

[table class=”styled_table”]

Browser Version CSS Grade Platform
Firefox 6.0.2 AAA Win XP
Internet Explorer 8 C Win Vista
Chrome 5 BB Win 7
Safari 5 AA Win 7

[table class=”styled_table table_yellow”]

Browser Version CSS Grade Platform
Firefox 6.0.2 AAA Win XP
Internet Explorer 8 C Win Vista
Chrome 5 BB Win 7
Safari 5 AA Win 7

[table class=”styled_table table_blue”]

Browser Version CSS Grade Platform
Firefox 6.0.2 AAA Win XP
Internet Explorer 8 C Win Vista
Chrome 5 BB Win 7

[table class=”styled_table table_green”]

Browser Version CSS Grade Platform
Firefox 6.0.2 AAA Win XP
Internet Explorer 8 C Win Vista
Chrome 5 BB Win 7
Safari 5 AA Win 7

[table class=”styled_table table_pink”]

Browser Version CSS Grade Platform
Firefox 6.0.2 AAA Win XP
Internet Explorer 8 C Win Vista
Chrome 5 BB Win 7
Safari 5 AA Win 7

[table class=”styled_table table_dark”]

Browser Version CSS Grade Platform
Firefox 6.0.2 AAA Win XP
Internet Explorer 8 C Win Vista
Chrome 5 BB Win 7
Safari 5 AA Win 7

[table class=”styled_table table_orange”]

Browser Version CSS Grade Platform
Firefox 6.0.2 AAA Win XP
Internet Explorer 8 C Win Vista
Chrome 5 BB Win 7
Safari 5 AA Win 7

[table class=”styled_table table_purple”]

Browser Version CSS Grade Platform
Firefox 6.0.2 AAA Win XP
Internet Explorer 8 C Win Vista
Chrome 5 BB Win 7

[table class=”styled_table table_red”]

Browser Version CSS Grade Platform
Firefox 6.0.2 AAA Win XP
Internet Explorer 8 C Win Vista
Chrome 5 BB Win 7

[table class=”styled_table table_red”]

Browser Version CSS Grade Platform
Firefox 6.0.2 AAA Win XP
Internet Explorer 8 C Win Vista
Chrome 5 BB Win 7


Styled Boxes

[styled_box title=”Styled box Pink” class=”sb_pink”]Insert the content here[/styled_box]
[styled_box title=”Styled box Yellow” class=”sb_yellow”]Insert the content here[/styled_box]
[styled_box title=”Styled box Blue” class=”sb_blue”]Insert the content here[/styled_box]
[styled_box title=”Styled box Green” class=”sb_green”]Insert the content here[/styled_box]
[styled_box title=”Styled box Dark” class=”sb_dark”]Insert the content here[/styled_box]
[styled_box title=”Styled box Purple” class=”sb_purple”]Insert the content here[/styled_box]
[styled_box title=”Styled box Orange” class=”sb_orange”]Insert the content here[/styled_box]
[styled_box title=”Styled box Default Color” class=””]Insert the content here[/styled_box]
[styled_box class=”” title=”Styled box Default Color”]Insert the content here[/styled_box]

[ styled_box ] colors: gray (default), pink, brown, orange, green, blue, dark_gray, purple

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