Autor: AEA - EAL

The second edition of the “Business. Algorithm. Law.” International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity, 16-17.11.2023, Gdynia-Gdańsk, Poland.

AEA-EAL together with the Gdańsk Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law invite you to attend the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity „Business. Algorithm. Law.”, which will take place on November 16-17, 2023, in Gdynia-Gdańsk, Poland.

Join us in Gdynia, Poland for the „Business. Algorithm. Law.” International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity. In today’s fast-paced technological environment, it’s imperative to understand both the business and legal ramifications. Hosted by the Gdańsk Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law and in collaboration with the European Association of Lawyers, this conference offers a deep dive into the transformative power of AI and cybersecurity on our professional landscapes. Stay ahead of the curve by joining us from 16-17 November 2023.

Register now at


AEA-EAL Annual General Assembly – June 19, 2023

Dear AEA-EAL Members,

Dear Colleagues,

We kindly invite you to our  AEA-EAL Annual General Assembly in hybrid form which will take place on Monday, June 19, 2023, at 12:00 CET.

  • Rules of the meeting

– Room will be open five minutes prior to the meeting at 11.55 CET for all participants.

– Working language of the meeting is English.

– Please be sure that your full name and surname are displayed in order to confirm your identity, and right to vote.

– All participants will be muted upon entry.


Preparing Lawyers to conduct war crime cases in Ukraine before courts and tribunals On-Line Seminar for Lawyers from Ukraine, Poland, Germany, and around the World

Preparing Lawyers to conduct war crime cases in Ukraine before courts and tribunals

On-Line Seminar for Lawyers from Ukraine, Poland, Germany, and around the World

When: June 20, 2023

Time: 13:00  – 17:30 CET

Screening of a Documentary film “LIMBO”    –   17:30 – 18:45 CET

Platform: Zoom


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Organizers and Partners: Organizers:  Okręgowa Izba Radców Prawnych  in Opole, Rechtsanwaltskammer Sachsen and  European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL); Fundacja Współpracy Polsko-Niemieckiej/ Die Stiftung Für Deutsch-Polnische Zusammenarbeit,  Legal Aid Ukraine, Częstochowsko-Piotrkowska Izba Adwokacka


The Seminar is granted 4 training points by Regional Bar Attorneys of Law in Opole (for EU Lawyers).

To receive training points please send an e-mail before the date of the seminar to the address:

Program ENG – download

Program PL – download

Program DE – download

Program UKR – download

Mentoring Program

AEA EAL European Association of Lawyers -Association Européenne des Avocats (AEA-EAL) and European Young Bar Association (EYBA) are happy to announce that the 1st Edition of the Mentoring Program was launched.
In the period of 6 months senior lawyers and young lawyers as mentors and mentees from over 10 countries will be sharing their knowledge, experience, and ideas on a cross-border basis. Organizers send their appreciation for the interest in the Mentoring Program to all over 50 participants/lawyers involved.
We strongly believe that Mentoring is a win-win scenario – as both develop and contribute to better standards in the exercise of the profession of the lawyer.
Together we can do more!

Webinar – “AI in Chinese Courts and Europe – A first-hand Account”

On May 30, 2023 Webinar “AI in Chinese Courts and Europe – A first-hand Account” took place.

Webinar was organized by the New Technologies Committee of the European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL) with the involvement of the Shenzen Lawyers Association.

It is worth mentioning that the webinar head continuous character of the meeting that took place on April 20 “AI in Chinese Courts – A first-hand account”.

The general overview, as well as the moderation of the webinar, was made by Mr. Iain G. Mitchell KC – Barrister and King’s Counsel as well as Chairperson of the New Technologies Committee of the European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL)

The meeting was  focused on covering questions such as:

Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) ever replace judges? And Can AI ever replace lawyers?

During the discussion, it was highlighted that the question of whether AI can replace judges is a complex and debated topic. Judicial decision-making involves not only interpreting and applying the law but also considering the nuanced aspects of each case, such as empathy, context, and moral judgment.

Moreover, there are ethical and legal concerns associated with AI in the Judiciary. Transparency, accountability, and the potential for bias in AI algorithms are critical issues that need to be addressed before considering their extensive use in Judicial systems.

At the end of the meeting, participants agreed that similar discussions will have a continuing character in the near future.



AI in Chinese Courts and Europe – A first-hand account

„AI in Chinese Courts and Europe – A first-hand account”

Webinar on – May 30, 2023
Time: 13:00 – 14:30 CET

Webinar is organized by: AEA-EAL New Technologies Committee

Location: ZOOM online platform
Language: English

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Learning about the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and using it effectively in practice

On May 24, an online Meeting regarding “Learning about the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and using it effectively in practice” took place.

The online event was organized by the European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL) with partnership OIRP Białystok & European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA).

Opening remarks were made by Gabriel N. Toggenburg – Head of Sector, Human Rights Structures and Mechanisms, EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), Maria Ślązak – President, European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL), and Joanna Beata Kamieńska – Dean, OIRP Białystok.

The first half of the meeting was dedicated to the introduction, that was made by Sanja Jovicic, Project Manager, of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) regarding – “The Relevance of the EU Charter for Lawyer’s work and how to enhance its application”.  The second part of the meeting covered the issue regarding – „FRA’S Practical Tools and Materials on the EU charter „which was presented by – Cathrin Larmian, Project Assistant, Human Rights Structures and Mechanisms, FRA, and  – Sandra Aigner-Accardo, Project Manager, Equality, Roma and Social Rights Unit, FRA.

 By the end of the meeting, attendees had the opportunity to exercise in Practical Case Study on the EU Charter.

The materials presented on the Webinar can be found here:

Case law database:

FRA e-guidance:

Charter case studies:  trainer’s manual:

Country sheets:

Charter App:

For additional information please visit:



Lawyers and the prevention of money laundering: a Euro-American comparison.

On Wednesday 17 May, a conference promoted and supported by the Association Européenne d’Avocats – European Association of Lawyers  (AEA-EAL) and the General Council of the Spanish Bar took place, with Spanish and Argentine specialists on the treatment and obligations of lawyers in the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism in Europe and South America, sparking a lively debate on the professional secrecy of lawyers and their defense in this matter.

In Europe, according to the provisions of Directive (EU) 2015/849 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering or terrorist financing, lawyers are obliged to take special care to ensure that the transactions we advise or carry out on behalf of our clients are not financed with illegal funds.

The regulations oblige any lawyer, as an obliged entity, who becomes aware of a transaction or event, even an attempt, that may be related to money laundering, to report the situation to the corresponding Service, and not to inform the client of it (Art. 33 and 34 of the Directive).

We are only exempted from this if the client comes to us to defend him in legal proceedings or if we intervene after the irregular transaction has taken place.

This raises important loopholes in what is a fundamental principle of the legal profession: the maintenance of professional secrecy.

This problem does not arise in Argentina, where lawyers are not yet obliged to disclose such information about their clients. Apart from the controversy as to whether this could make it easier for situations in which illegally obtained funds are laundered, this exemption respects the position of trust that any person should have the right to maintain with their lawyer, without the latter having to betray them without even informing them of this.

If we look at the fact that citizens end up being confidential collaborators of the authorities, just as we are tax collectors for clients, withholders of pensions and taxes for employees, controllers of compliance with labor and tax regulations for subcontractors, among many other business obligations that have proliferated in recent years, we have the eternal debate as to whether lawyers should have this „whistleblower” function that has been attributed to us and in which, on the basis of the principle of lawyer-client trust, we feel uncomfortable.

Between four animated speeches by Anna Núñez and Nielson Sanchez-Stewart, on the Spanish side, and by Marta Nercillas and Carlos Negri, on the Argentinean side, this passionate debate took place in front of more than ninety attendees from both sides of the Atlantic. The conference was, therefore, a success, and denotes a concern for these issues, which go to the very core of our principles and profession.

Lawyers will continue to fight, now and always, for professional secrecy which is the main pillar of our relationship of trust with the client.

May, 24, 2023 – Online Meeting „Learning about the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and using it effectively in practice”

Online Meeting regarding „Learning about the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and using it effectively in practice”

Organized by: The European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL) with partnership OIRP Białystok & European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA).

Wednesday- 24 May 2023

11:00 – 12:30 CEST

Meeting link:

Agenda of the Meeting:

Gabriel N. Toggenburg – Head of Sector, Human Rights Structures and Mechanisms, EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)
Maria Ślązak – President, European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL)
Joanna Beata Kamieńska – Dean, OIRP Białystok

Sanja Jovicic, Project Manager, Human Rights Structures and Mechanisms, FRA 11:30-11:45 DISCUSSION, Q&A


Charterpedia, Charter app, Case Law Database, country sheets

Sanja Jovicic

EFRIS and Charter e-guidance

Please register to the training platform in advance:

Cathrin Larmian – Project Assistant, Human Rights Structures and Mechanisms, FRA

Trainer’s manual – case studies

12:15-12:45 Sandra Aigner-Accardo, Project Manager, Equality, Roma and Social Rights Unit, FRA PRACTICAL CASE STUDY ON THE EU CHARTER
Group exercise work
Sanja Jovicic

12:45-13:00 CONCLUSIONS
Sanja Jovicic




Save a date – 17.05.2023 – Webinar Euro-Iberoamericano – La Abogacía ante la Prevención del Blanqueo de Capitales en España e Iberoamérica: Un análisis comparativo

Webinar euro-iberoamericano, organizado por AEA-EAL, Association Européenne des Avocats-European Association of Lawyers, con la participación del Consejo General de la Abogacía Española

La Abogacía ante la Prevención del Blanqueo de Capitales en España e Iberoamérica: Un análisis comparativo

FECHA: 17 de mayo de 2023 /  Date: MAY 17, 2023
La conferencia se impartirá en español / The conference language will be Spanish

Platform: Zoom

TIEMPO: 10:00 (hora de Chile) 11:00 (hora argentina)
16:00 (hora europea) / Time: 10:00 (Chile), 11:00 (Argentina), 16:00 (CET)

El seminario es gratuito – Webinar is free of charge  

Registro – Zoom / Register in advance for this meeting:

La presente conferencia pretende acercar a abogados de ambos continentes a las medidas a adoptar por los abogados tanto para la Prevención del Blanqueo de Capitales como para la defensa de los clientes infractores de las disposiciones en dicha materia.
De un modo rápido y ameno, diversos juristas españoles e iberoamericanos plantearán someramente las reglas a las que se hallan sometidos los abogados, a la hora de prevenir el Blanqueo de Capitales, y defender a los clientes que pudieran haber incurrido en blanqueo; en qué medida y con qué actuaciones pueden verse los abogados involucrados por las operaciones llevadas a cabo por el cliente, o en interés del cliente, lo cual entendemos y esperamos será del interés de muchos juristas.

El timing será el siguiente:
10:00 / 11:00 / 16:00: Inicio de la sesión. Conexión de todos los intervinientes.
10:10 / 11:10 / 16:10: Bienvenida e introducción inaugural por parte de D. Jesús Pellón Fernández-Fontecha , presidente de la Subcomisión de Prevención del Blanqueo de Capitales del Consejo General de la Abogacía Española. .
10:20 / 11:20 / 16:20: Bienvenida por parte del Presidente emérito de la AEA-EAL, Sr. D. Juan Núñez, y presentación de los ponentes españoles.
10:25 / 11:25 / 16:25: Bienvenida por parte del representante de la AEA-EAL en Iberoamérica, Sr. D. Marcelo Castrogiovanni, y presentación de los ponentes iberoamericanos.

Primer panel: Obligaciones de los profesionales de la Abogacía en la prevención del blanqueo:
10:30 / 11:30 / 16:30: Exposición de la ponente española Dª Anna Núñez Miró
11:00 / 12:00 / 17-00: Exposición del ponente argentino D. Carlos Negri

Segundo panel: el secreto profesional y la obligación de comunicar:

1:30 / 12:30 / 17:30: Exposición del ponente español Dr. D. Nielson Sanchez-Stewart
12:00 / 13.00 / 18:00 Exposición de la ponente argentina Dra. Dª Dra. Marta Nercellas
12:30 / 13:30 / 18:30: Apertura del debate y respuestas a las preguntas planteadas por escrito.
13:00 / 14:00 / 19:00: Clausura del webinar.


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