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(Open) Strategic Autonomy – Foundations and Tools

Conference on (Open) Strategic Autonomy – Foundations and Tools Hosted by Marc Bungenberg, Michael Hahn & Philipp Zurkinden

The registration deadline is prolonged until noon September 5, 2023.

When: 7 & 8 September 2023
Time: 9:00 – 18:00 / 9:00 – 13:00

Program of the Conference can be downloaded below

Preparing lawyers to conduct war crime cases in Ukraine before courts and tribunals

On the 20th of June took place the seminar 'Preparing lawyers to conduct war crime cases in Ukraine before courts and tribunals. Participants from many countries had a chance to watch 5 brilliant presentations of experts, translated to 4 languages: English, Polish, Ukrainian, and German.

1. Admissibility of evidence collected during the armed conflict in Ukraine from the perspective of international criminal law

Prof. Dr hab. Paweł Wiliński, academic scientist of the Faculty of Law and Administration, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, judge of the Supreme Court

2. Rights of the victim in criminal proceedings

Manon Heindorf, Rechtsanwaltin Kanzlei Heindorf

3. Hearing the accused of war crimes in court proceedings – procedural methodology

Prof. dr hab. Piotr Kardas, academic scientist, Jagiellonian University in Cracow, attorney at law

4. The victim as an auxiliary prosecutor in cases of war crimes – procedural rights and how to use them

Dr Piotr Chrzczonowicz. academic scientist of the Faculty of Law and Administration, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, attorney at law

5. Preparation for interviewing a victim of war sex crimes

Dr Wiola Rebecka-Davie, a psychotherapist specializing in therapy of victims of war-related sex crimes, WTCI New York

After the seminar, the very much touching documentary „Limbo” directed by Marina Nikitina and Vincent Lefebvre has been screened, with opening remarks from Ukrainian artist Julia Oginska and director Marina Nikitina herself.

Organizers: Regional Bar Association of Attorneys at Law in Opole, Rechtsanwaltskammer Sachsen, European Association of Lawyers AEA-EAL and
Partners: Fundacja Współpracy Polsko-Niemieckiej, Okręgowa Rada Adwokacka w Częstochowie, Координаційний центр з надання правової допомоги

Agenda of the meeting:

International Conference: Gender Equality as Part of the International Human Rights Law

On June 2nd International Conference: Gender Equality as Part of the International Human Rights Law took place in Azerbaijan – Baku.

The event was organized by the Azerbaijan Bar Association, Сhаmbеr of Advocates of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) – Project Со-оrdinаtоr in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Conference was dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the first female lawyer of the Turkic countries, Mrs. Sureyya Aghaoghlu. Süreyya Ağaoğlu was the first female lаwуеr in Тurkey (worked as a lawyer from 1927 till 1989) and Аzеrbаijаn as well as the second president of the International Confederation of Woman Lawyers.

The conference was attended by the Chairpersons of the Bar Associations and its representatives from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Turkiye, Serbia, Bulgaria, Ireland, and India.

During the meeting following Topics were discussed.

  • Gender Equality and Mainstreaming from the International Perspective;
  • Towards Gender Equality: Ending Violence Against Women;
  • Addressing Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment;

At the end of the conference, a joint statement (declaration) was signed regarding gender equality, which will support the improvement of the gender policy in the participating countries, strengthen the protection of women’s rights, elaborate on the appropriate mechanisms for women’s rights protection and ensuring access to effective protection in practice

The European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL) was represented by its Vice President – David Asatiani. In his opening remarks, it was highlighted that the cooperation, as well as systemic collaboration of the European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL) with the Azerbaijani Bar Association and Azerbaijani lawyers, is particularly rather significant for our legal professionals, both within the gender equality context, as well as in the wider legal framework. This allows us to address the challenges together and share the best international practices.

David Asatiani underlined that “Gender equality and women’s rights must be at the heart of a renewed social contract that is fit for today’s societies and economies. This is a vitally important topic when it comes to defending human rights, promoting the rule of law, and supporting democratic reforms. Bar associations and law societies can play a fundamental role in promoting gender equality, among others, by encouraging their members to adopt and implement policies that tackle gender inequality and improve work-life balance that benefits all. With the increasing challenges to women’s rights across the globe, the position of women in law is as important as ever. The road to achieving gender equality is long and challenging, that requires a comprehensive approach, responsibility, and joint action by all: institutions and individuals. Not only the absence of a discriminatory legal framework is vital for achieving gender equality, but relevant legislation or policies should not be discriminatory in their impact and consequences. In addition, more emphasis should be placed on the culture change. Culture provides a unique space where gender roles and social norms are constantly questioned and reimagined, thus challenging stereotypes that present barriers to gender equality”.

By the end of the conference, it was once more underlined that the representative of the legal profession should stress that legal professions have the authority and resources to support women by advocating for gender equality, providing equal access to the profession, and opportunities to progress in their careers without fear of stigma or exclusion

Annual General Assembly (GA) of the European Association of Lawyers

On June 19, 2023, the Annual General Assembly (GA) of the European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL) took place in hybrid form.

The official opening as well as the moderation of the General Assembly meeting was made by the Vice-President of the European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL) Dr. Christoph von Wilcken.

The Agenda of the General Assembly was presented and included the following matters.

– Approval of the minutes of the Annual Ordinary General Assembly of the Association held in    Brussels (hybrid form) on May 16, 2022.

– President’s Report.

– Treasurer’s report on the financial year ended 31.12.2022.

– Approval of the annual accounts as of 31.12.2022. 

– Discharge to the directors for the exercise of their mandate in 2022.

– Approval of the 2023 budget.

– Membership fees.

– Resignation/nomination/renewal of board members.

– Miscellaneous.

Maria Ślązak, President of the European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL), welcomed the participants of the General Assembly. Before the presentation of the report on the activities of the Association in 2022 was presented President Maria Ślązak expressed her deepest thanks to all members and friends for their dedication and hard work for the further and systematic development of the organization.

Maria Ślązak covered all activities and engagement of the Association in 2022. Such as: Engagement towards Ukraine and Ukrainian Lawyers, AEA-EAL 35th Anniversary, Cooperation with the Council of Europe, and Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals – HELP Course. Overview of events: Opening of the Legal Year in Hong Kong, Conference for Women on Women, Third mediation webinar – Practical Role and best practices of using online dispute resolution, Business. Algorithm. Law Conference, Market Access Seminar, Women in Times of War: The Role of Women Lawyers.

One of the important issues raised in the General Assembly was the renewal of the position of the treasurer. It was highlighted that for many years treasurer of the Association Sabine Perquy has worked effectively for the needs of the Association and her efforts are highly appreciated. She stays on the board of Directors as a member and the functions of the treasurer will be taken over and continued by Olivier d’Ursel (BoD member of the Association).

By the end of the meeting attendees of the General Assembly by anonymous polling approved new board members –  Iain G Mitchell KQ and Irakli Kandashvili.

In the closing remarks future activities of the Association were shared among attendees, such as Vice President of the Association – David Asatiani talked regarding the upcoming Twinning Program that will take place in Fall 2023 in Georgia with the partnership of the Georgian Bar Association. Secretary-General as well as the Board Member – Aleksandra Siewicka Marszalek disseminated information regarding upcoming events such as the 2023 Market Access Conference – (Open) Strategic Autonomy – Foundations and Tools, 7 -8 September 2023, Second edition of the “Business. Algorithm and Law,” International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity, 16-17.11.2023, Gdańsk.

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