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VI International Forum „Mediation and Law” in Odessa

We cordially invite all our members and friends to participate VI International Forum „Mediation and Law” in Odessa, which is taking place on 27 August 2021. European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL) is the partner of the Forum. This event is jointly organised by the Council of Europe Project “Support for judicial institutions and processes to strengthen access to justice in Ukraine”, the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation and EU Project Pravo-Justice.

The conference is the largest specialized event at the international level on mediation for legal professionals and mediators.

The Forum will be attended by mediators, judges, attorneys-at-law, notaries, scientists, government officials, representatives of the free legal aid system etc. and will focus on the development of mediation in Ukraine, in particular, the issues on the use of mediation to resolve the corporate disputes as well as disputes in the medical field. In addition, the issues on access to mediation in the system of providing free legal aid and advocacy will be covered.

Leading European experts in the field of mediation will take part in the Forum, including experts from the Council of Europe:

Mr Rimantas Simaitis (Lithuania), who is the head of the mediation group at the CEPEJ and the conciliator at the International Center for Resolution of Investment Disputes;
Mr Ramón Tena Pera, mediator and trainer in the conflict transformation (Andorra);
Mrs Maria da Conceição Oliveira, lawyer, mediation expert (Portugal);
Mrs Helena Soleto Muñoz, professor at the University of Madrid (Spain).
They will acquaint the participants of the Forum with good practices of pre-trial mediation in member-states of the Council of Europe. The Council of Europe expert, Mr Irakli Kandashvili, the Chairman of the Mediation Committee of AEA and Mediators Association of Georgia, will provide the participants of the Forum with an opportunity to take part in a mediation workshop on the topic: ” Mediator’s questioning technics as a major tool for a successful lawyer „. Ms Maria Ślązak, AEA-EAL President will participate in the opening discussion panel „Mediation: Fashion Trend or Urgent Necessity?

The VI International Forum „MEDIATION AND LAW” is organized by the Council of Europe Project “Support for judicial institutions and processes to strengthen access to justice in Ukraine” jointly with the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation and EU Project Pravo-Justice. The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine are the partners of the Forum.

Working languages – Ukrainian and English (simultaneous translation will be provided during the event).

You can find the full program of the Odessa conference available for download here.

To participate in the Forum please register here.



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AEA-EAL General Assembly – this Monday at 13.00 (CET)

All AEA-EAL members are cordially invited to participate General Assembly on Monday. You may easily confirm your presence by filling-in a simple electronic form on our website.


On Zoom Platform accessible for all registered members


On June 14, 2021 at 13.00 (CET):

For whom?

All AEA-EAL Members may participate. Please confirm your participation here.

How much should I pay?

Assembly is free of charge for all confirmed participants.

Program and agenda:

– Approval of the minutes of the Annual Ordinary General Meeting of the Association held in Brussels (hybrid form) on June 25, 2020,

– President’s Report on AEA-EAL activities performed in 2020

– Treasurer’s report on the financial year ended 31.12.2020,

– Approval of the annual accounts as at 31.12.2020,

– Discharge to the directors for the exercise of their mandate in 2020,

– Approval of the 2021 budget,

– Amendments of membership fees,

– Resignation/nomination/renewal of board members

– Miscellaneous.

Impressions from colloquium on rule of law in the EU

Zrzut ekranu 2021-06-5 o 09.27.32On Friday, June 4, 2021, a very interesting and live debate took place in Brussels, where lawyers, judges and other stakeholders met to discuss the erosion of rule of law principle in the European Union. The discussion followed a Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, The European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of Regions – 2020 Rule of Law Report.

The Document sees rule of law as a well-established principle. saying that „The rule of law is enshrined in Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union as one of the common values for all Member States. Under the rule of law, all public powers always act within the constraints set out by law, in accordance with the values of democracy and fundamental rights, and under the control of independent and impartial courts. The rule of law includes principles such as legality, implying a transparent, accountable, democratic and pluralistic process for enacting laws; legal certainty; prohibiting the arbitrary exercise of executive power; effective judicial protection by independent and impartial courts, and effective judicial review including respect for fundamental rights; separation of powers; and equality before the law. These principles have been recognised by the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights. In addition, the Council of Europe has developed standards and issued opinions and recommendations which provide well-established guidance to promote and uphold the rule of law.

Zrzut ekranu 2021-06-5 o 09.31.36Apart from general observations, Commission’s material includes country reports from each Member State. As the main organizer of the colloquium was the Brussels Bar Association (French-speaking), one of the presentations focused on Belgium noticing relatively good situation in the country, however during the discussion some participants pointed out the lack of confidence in political leaders, arbitrary and repressive decisions taken in the context of Covid-19 pandemic as well as problems with overlapping competencies of federal and regional authorities provoking institutional conflicts.

Also, a perspective from the whole EU was discussed with strong voices that safeguards set in Article 7 of the Treaty on the European Union failed. Mainly, due to the fact that role of the Commission as „Guardian of the Treaties” is limited in the area of the rule of law. Pursuant to Article 7, it is the Council that has the final word and as an intergovernmental body, it Zrzut ekranu 2021-06-5 o 09.28.00can adopt a political perspective, rather than a legal one. Therefore, it is necessary to emphasise specific tasks of the Court of Justice of the European Union, which is entitled to examine the compliance of national law with Community law and thus can protect the rule of law in the Member States to a greater extent than other EU bodies. This role of the Court was presented by the Polish judge Nina Półtorak. Nevertheless, even the best efforts of EU courts would not be effective if the Member States do not enforce their judgments.

We wish to express our gratitude to the Brussels Bar Association (French-speaking) for the organisation of this enthralling discussion and for inviting the AEA-EAL to be a partner in this event.



Rule of Law State under question in the EU – invitation for colloquium

Brussels Bar Association (French and German-speaking) and European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL) invite all our members and friends for a colloquium on „Rule of Law State under question in the European Union„.

The principle of the rule of law is one of the fundamental values ​​on which the European Union is founded. This principle fulfills a particular function in the list of fundamental values ​​set out in Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union, which are human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality and human rights, know that it guarantees their protection. Yet the rule of law is under a lot of pressure in the Union and with it, the protection of all fundamental values.

The purpose of this conference is to present to you, first of all, the basis of the principle of the rule of law, but also the role that the European Commission plays in the defense of this principle. A second part of the conference will then be dedicated to an overview of the rule of law in Belgium. The last part of the conference will be devoted to the role of the CJEU, but also that of lawyers and judges in protecting the rule of law.

Conference will be held in French.

Below you can find program/ agenda of the event. Registration is available under this link.


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AEA-EAL aisbl - siege social/headquartes: Avenue Louise 235 - 1050 Bruxelles/Brussels - Belgique/Belgium KBO/BCE 0465.302.664
phone: +32 (0)2 467 34 24 e-mail: aea-eal@aea-eal.eu

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