VI International Forum „Mediation and Law” in Odessa
We cordially invite all our members and friends to participate VI International Forum „Mediation and Law” in Odessa, which is taking place on 27 August 2021. European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL) is the partner of the Forum. This event is jointly organised by the Council of Europe Project “Support for judicial institutions and processes to strengthen access to justice in Ukraine”, the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation and EU Project Pravo-Justice.
The conference is the largest specialized event at the international level on mediation for legal professionals and mediators.
The Forum will be attended by mediators, judges, attorneys-at-law, notaries, scientists, government officials, representatives of the free legal aid system etc. and will focus on the development of mediation in Ukraine, in particular, the issues on the use of mediation to resolve the corporate disputes as well as disputes in the medical field. In addition, the issues on access to mediation in the system of providing free legal aid and advocacy will be covered.
Leading European experts in the field of mediation will take part in the Forum, including experts from the Council of Europe:
Mr Rimantas Simaitis (Lithuania), who is the head of the mediation group at the CEPEJ and the conciliator at the International Center for Resolution of Investment Disputes;
Mr Ramón Tena Pera, mediator and trainer in the conflict transformation (Andorra);
Mrs Maria da Conceição Oliveira, lawyer, mediation expert (Portugal);
Mrs Helena Soleto Muñoz, professor at the University of Madrid (Spain).
They will acquaint the participants of the Forum with good practices of pre-trial mediation in member-states of the Council of Europe. The Council of Europe expert, Mr Irakli Kandashvili, the Chairman of the Mediation Committee of AEA and Mediators Association of Georgia, will provide the participants of the Forum with an opportunity to take part in a mediation workshop on the topic: ” Mediator’s questioning technics as a major tool for a successful lawyer „. Ms Maria Ślązak, AEA-EAL President will participate in the opening discussion panel „Mediation: Fashion Trend or Urgent Necessity?
The VI International Forum „MEDIATION AND LAW” is organized by the Council of Europe Project “Support for judicial institutions and processes to strengthen access to justice in Ukraine” jointly with the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation and EU Project Pravo-Justice. The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine are the partners of the Forum.
Working languages – Ukrainian and English (simultaneous translation will be provided during the event).
You can find the full program of the Odessa conference available for download here.
To participate in the Forum please register here.