Successful conference in Almaty, Kazakhstan

120 lawyers from 14 countries, 5 moderators and 33 speakers discussed in Almaty in June 15 – 16 on how to improve the quality of legal services in Kazakhstan and in other countries of the Central Asia.

The area covered by the conference topic was very broad therefore conference was divided into six sessions: INDEPENDENCE chaired by Maria Ślązak, AEA-EAL President, CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION chaired by Sergiey Sizintzev, Executive Director of the Republican Collegium of Advocates of Kazakhstan, PROFESSIONAL ETHICS chaired by Jędrzej Klatka, representant of the AEA-EAL, chair of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Polish National Bar of Attorneys-at-law, LEGAL AID, chaired by Jonathan Goldsmith, representant of the IBA and DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS chaired by Norville Conolly, representant of the IBA. The aim of each session was to elaborate recommendations in the respective area on how to improve the quality of legal services in Kazakhstan and in other countries of the region according to international standards established by the United Nations, Council of Europe, IBA and CCBE. Conference recommendations will be available soon.

You can find conference photos on our Facebook:

First day of the conference

Second day of the conference

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