Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe calles for a convention on the profession of a lawyer

On January 24, 2018 Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe called on the Committee of Ministers to draft and adopt a
European Convention on the Profession of Lawyer. The proposed act should secure full implementation of the existing non-binding documents of the CoE, including Recommendation No. R (2000) 21 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the freedom of exercise of the profession of lawyer and Recommendation 2085 (2016) of the Parliamentary Assembly on strengthening the protection and role of human rights defenders in Council of Europe Member States.

The need for adoption the convention is underlined by many international and national organizations protecting citizen’s and human rights. They arguing that lawyers are being harassed, threatened, detained, under surveillance and even being murdered for carrying out their professional activities. These are a direct danger for rights of people and justice itself.

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