Our association will hold its next congress in Istanbul, which is an exceptional project.
The idea and possibility of organising a joint event together with the Federation of Bar Associations of Europe, arose through the previous duties of the current President, Juan Nuñez, who was General Secretary of this institution during six years.

On Thursday, the EAL-AEA prepared a session on a subject of great general interest in the field of EU Law in relation to third countries.
This will give the participants of the FBE the possibility of taking part in an updating session on important aspects of EU Law. Furthermore, the members of the EAL-AEA that wish to do so, may participate in the FBE on Friday on the marketing of barristers.

A probable increase of the number of participants through the offer of a multifaceted program.

The bar members of the FBE themselves would be the promoters of participants as they would encourage their members to participate.

The members of the FBE would have the possibility of taking part in activities useful to their professional activity.

In return, for the members of the AEA-EAL, it would be an occasion to participate in activities in relation to the future of the profession, to participate in a larger organisation and (very probably) to share a few days with their chairperson.

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