Iberoamerican – European webinar on legal and economic decisions towards Covid-19 – July 29, 2020
It was a fantastic meeting of Iberoamerican and European lawyers, experts, and academics from 15 countries discussing how various countries respond to Covid-19 and showing different approaches in Europe and Iberoamerica to the pandemic challenges.
The event was a result of the initiative of our member professor Marcelo Castrogiovanni from the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and its main organizer and moderator was Juan Núñez from Barcelona (Spain), AEA-EAL past President. The conference was organized in cooperation with the Consejo General de la Abogacía Española.
We are delighted having so many distinguished speakers: Eugenia Gay, Dean of the Barcelona Bar, Ph. D. Lutz Carlos Moratinos Meissner from Hamburg (Germany), Marie-Christine Cimadevilla from Paris (France), Aldo Bulgarelli from Verona (Italy), Carmen Pérez Andújar from Madrid (Spain), Diego Mongrell González from Montevideo (Uruguay), Natália Cristina Chaves from Belo Horizonte (Brasil) as well as Marcelo Barreiro and Silvina Coronello from Buenos Aires (Argentina).