
The AEA – EAL works are structured, apart from its statutory organs – within committees responsible for different areas of activity of the Association. The Board of Directors decided to create new committees to better structure and boost our work. Please find below a description of existing and newly established committees. We invite all members to contact Committees at and to participate actively in their work!

Deontology Committee has been established to learn from our colleagues what problems they have and in a friendly way, we can help to solve some of them as well as help to understand the importance of full respect for all core values of the profession. The Committee focuses on gathering information from our members and discussing the problematic issues instead of designing models of professional conduct. The Committee is a platform for discussion where less experienced colleagues could get advice or even those more experienced could compare certain rules with the others. Deontology Committee has the following members: Dr Nielson Sanchez-Stewart (chair), Jean-Louis Collart, Shahmar Mamedov, Iain G. Mitchell, KC, Vladimir Palamarciuc, Qazi Azizullah Sadiqi, Alex Tallon, Joanna Wsolek, Jędrzej Klatka, Lala Naghiyeva and Konstantine Gelashvili.

Scientific – European Law Committee is in charge to observe the developments of the legislation and case law in Europe, more specifically in European law, to establish and keep links with the European Instances and to suggest topics for new exciting events and seminars of high scientific standard. The Committee will elaborate on the scientific part of the events and if necessary assist the organizers by finding exciting and competent speakers. At present, the Scientific – European Law Committee has the following members: Prof. Philipp Zurkinden (chair), dr Thomas Simons, dr Marzena Świstak, dr Iwona Wrońska, dr Dariusz Gibasiewicz, prof. Irakli Kandashvili.

Mediation Committee established as a result of a very successful Mediation Webinar conducted in January 2021 promotes mediation as an effective tool for dispute resolution in various areas of law, shares knowledge and best practices on mediation among AEA-EAL members and beyond, initiates and drafts scientific conferences and practical workshops as well as cooperates with other organisation and entities on the field of ADR/ODR. Currently, the Committee consists of the following members: Prof. Irakli Kandashvili (chair), Iain G. Mitchell QC, Michel Forges, Paolo Sguotti, Anna Kaczyńska, Luiza Romanadze, Svetlana Sergeyeva and Djamshid Turdaliev.

Marketing Committee has two principal goals: to promote AEA-EAL every time and everywhere, showing by various means the interest for a lawyer to join our Association and to promote our scientific activities to recruit a maximum of participants, and after the event/conference by a personal follow up of the lawyers showing an interest to join AEA-EAL. At present, the MC consists of 8 members: Juan Nunez, prof. Philipp Zurkinden, Monique Stengel, dr Christoph von Wilcken, Pawel Szcześniewski, Tornike Razmadze, Ewa Kusak. It is a real task force but only the beginning; the Committee wishes to have a member in each country within the scope of the AEA-EAL’s activity.

Networking – Membership Committee. It is indisputable that one of the most valuable benefits of an association is to be able to benefit from support or get advice from other members of our association. To obtain the contact details of a specialized colleague you would need, raising doubt in foreign law, or obtaining an opinion in a complicated case can be an invaluable help. Our mission will be to set up a tool to facilitate this project. It will also circulate the Newsletter and any news of interest to the association members. The Committee consists of the following members: Juan Nunez (chair), Monique Stengel, Giorgi Tshekhani, Adam Kaczko, Jakub Puszkarski and Rafał Dyszkiewicz.

New Technologies Committee – the committee is concentrating on four main areas: /1/ LegalTech as a tool simplifies the professional practice of lawyers on the one hand but imposes risks on the other hand; /2/ Effective LegalTech in courts’ practice such as e-Evidence, video-hearings, etc., /3/ The future of LegalTech in legal practice and justice systems (AI, predictive justice, etc.); and /4/ legal and ethical issues connected with LegalTech. The Committee consists of the following members: Iain Mitchell KC (chair), Isabelle Andoulsi, Anna Austen-Palicka, Marta Dargas-Draganik, Ilham Huseynov, Maciej Jakubowski, Adam Kaczko, David Kvitini, Dominik Lubasz, Vladimir Palamarciuc, Carmen Perez Andujar, Sophio Sokhadze, Marzena Świstak and Anders Stig Vestergaard.

Young Lawyers Committee. The legal landscape significantly changed during the last few decades. Globalisation increasingly led to legal issues based on the fact that cross-national borders imply the involvement of foreign jurisdictions and lawyers. New complex legal areas emerged, e.g. in international public law launching fierce discussions not only between practitioners but also amongst specialised Professors of universities. We would like to provide our young colleagues with helpful connections to lawyers, authorities and institutions outside their jurisdiction. The Young Lawyers Committee shall also organise conferences on current legal issues to enable our young members to get familiar with new practice areas and meet internationally recognised specialists. In brief, our committee’s work is dedicated to helping talented and motivated young lawyers cope with the challenges of a complex legal environment for the benefit of our society. The Committee consists of the following members: Pawel Szcześniewski, Ketevan (Kate) Andguladze, Maciej Jakubowski and Jacek Harasimowicz.

Human Rights Committee was created to develop AEA-EAL policy and to undertake intervention in cases of endangering human rights and rule of law. The Committee is a platform to discuss, share information and plan for the future. The members of the Committee focus on the key points of scientific and professional policies and strategies, helping to define how we should encourage responsible conduct in political and legal decisions, to promote Human Rights at the world and European levels. The Committee consists of the following members: dr Dariusz Gibasiewicz, Zaza Khatiashvili, Małgorzata Miszewska, Mateusz Perkowski, Paolo Sguotti, Monique Stengel, Magdalena Witkowska.

Sustainable Development Law Committee aims to mobilize legal professionals from Europe and beyond around the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Legal professionals, as human rights actors, have a significant role in promoting and protecting sustainable development goals, especially in such areas as: gender equality, labor rights and economic development, reduced inequality, and socially responsible business operations as well as ensuring justice and strong institutions. To promote the area of sustainable development law among legal professionals, the Committee organizes workshops, seminars, conferences, and other professional capacity-building activities. In addition, the Committee conducts research concerning the issues under the scope of sustainable development law and disseminates its findings among legal professionals. The Chair of the Committee is Giorgi Tshekhani.

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