Autor: AEA - EAL

Wishes on the occasion of the Orthodox Christmas

Поздравляем всех наших православных друзей и коллег с Рождеством! С наилучшими пожеланиями, мира, благополучия, здоровья и всего наилучшего Вам, Вашим близким, друзьям и коллегам!


Nous souhaitons à tous nos amis et collègues orthodoxes un joyeux Noël ! Meilleurs voeux, paix, prospérité, santé et tout le meilleur pour vous, vos familles, amis et collègues !


We wish all our Orthodox Friends and Colleagues Merry Christmas! Best wishes, peace, prosperity, health and all the best for you, your families, friends and colleagues!


Twinning Report is now available!

We are pleased to deliver English and Russian version of the Report from the Third Twinning of Lawyers held on 16 October, 2021.

English version is available here.

Russian version is available here.

Register now – free webinar on electronic evidence by the Council of Europe

On 22 December at 13.00 (CET), we would like to invite you for a pre-festive online meeting within the framework of the project „Strengthening the profession of lawyer in line with European standards”.

At the meeting, Mr. Stephen Mason, barrister (UK) will deliver  the keynote lecture: „e-” Changes Everything: A Concise Introduction into Electronic Evidence’

Please find all the details in the Invitation

For registration, visit the Event page

The event is open to all interested professionals. The meeting will be held in English with simultaneous translation into Russian.  

We are looking forward to seeing you and your colleagues! 


Project team, 

„Strengthening the profession of lawyer in line  with European standards”


This event is organised in the framework of the project “Strengthening the profession of lawyer in line with European standards”, funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe in their Partnership for Good Governance II. 

Interview with Anuar Tugel

Русская версия ниже

On the occasion of Human Rights Day, we have an honour to present you the interview with lawyer Anuar Tugel, Director of the Human Rights Institute of the Al-Farabi University in Nur-Sultan City, Kazakhstan. Anuar is a prominent lawyer, previously served as the Chairman of the Republican Collegium of Advocates of Kazakhstan (RKA). In 2018, together with AEA-EAL President Maria Slazak, he was the co-chair of the international conference „Advocates 2018. Improving the Quality of Legal Services” organised by the AEA-EAL and RKA in Almaty.

Every year on 10 December, the world celebrates Human Rights Day, the very day when, in 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Declaration consists of a preamble and 30 articles that set out a broad range of fundamental human rights and freedoms to which all of us, everywhere around the world, are entitled. It guarantees our rights without distinction of nationality, place of residence, gender, national or ethnic origin, religion, language, or any other status.


You are the Director of the Human Rights Institute of the Al-Farabi State University in Kazakhstan. Please tell us when and why the Institute was established? What are main goals of its activity?

The Institute was established on the basis of the decision of the Academic Council of the University in 2020 to raise a new generation of human rights defenders and improve the qualifications among legal professionals. Until that time there was no education in the sphere of human rights in Kazakhstan. Our end goal is to contribute to the creation of a society with a human rights culture, where everyone interacts in a paradigm, clearly understanding their rights and responsibilities, as it is supposed to be in the civilized world, where human rights are as much a part of people’s lives as are language, traditions, art and the love to homeland.

How does the Institute work?

The Institute conducts trainings for representatives of the legal profession in accordance with the principles of justice and the rule of law.
It also carries out research projects in the field of human rights protection, development of the legal profession and can take part in lawmaking activities by monitoring legislation and preparing analytical reports.

What are the main concerns for human rights from your perspective?

Some of the most problematic moments in the field of human rights are: torture in the penitentiary system, lack of independence of the judicial system, corruption in law enforcement agencies, non-compliance with laws by law enforcement officers, due to the lack of high-quality legal education. Also restriction of civil rights: freedom of speech, freedom of peaceful assembly, etc.

How lawyers can contribute to preserve and development of the human rights and the rule of law?

By defending the rights of their clients and upholding the interests of justice, lawyers promote the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms recognized by national and international law. However, it should be noted, that only independent lawyers (or institution of lawyers) can contribute to the protection of human rights.

IMG_2136 kopiaWhat is the role of international organizations of lawyers and international co-operation towards defence of human rights?

International organizations of lawyers stimulate the profession by facilitating the exchange of experience and continuing education between lawyers of different countries. It is clear that ideological and legal principles in all legal systems are universal. Moreover, human rights are universal, and in this regard, international cooperation in human rights defence contributes to the maintenance of the highest principles of human rights by national governments.

Thank you very much for our talk.

По случаю Дня прав человека имеем честь представить вам интервью с юристом Ануаром Тугель, директором Института прав человека Университета Аль-Фараби в городе Нур-Султан, Казахстан. Ануар – известный юрист, ранее занимавший пост председателя Республиканской коллегии адвокатов Казахстана (РКА). В 2018 году вместе с президентом AEA-EAL Марией Слазак был сопредседателем международной конференции «Адвокаты 2018. Повышение качества юридических услуг», организованной AEA-EAL и RKA в Алматы.

Ежегодно 10 декабря мир отмечает День прав человека, именно в этот день в 1948 году Генеральная Ассамблея Организации Объединенных Наций приняла Всеобщую декларацию прав человека. Декларация состоит из преамбулы и 30 статей, в которых излагается широкий круг основных прав и свобод человека, на которые мы все имеем право во всем мире. Он гарантирует наши права без различия национальности, места жительства, пола, национального или этнического происхождения, религии, языка или любого другого статуса.

image1Вы президент / директор Института прав человека Государственного университета им. Аль-Фараби в Казахстане (КазНУ). Расскажите, пожалуйста, когда и почему был создан институт? Каковы основные цели его деятельности?

Институт был создан на основании решения Ученого совета Университета в 2020 году. До этого времени в Казахстане не было высшего учебного заведения со школой прав человека, и в принципе образования в этой сфере. Необходимо воспитывать новое поколение правозащитников, повышать квалификации обладателей юридической профессии.
Основная цель – способствовать созданию общества в котором присутствует культура прав человека и взаимодействуют в парадигме, где каждый четко понимает свои права и обязанности. Ведь в цивилизованном мире права человека являются такой же частью жизни людей, как язык, традиции, искусство и привязанность к родине.

Как работает институт?

Практическая деятельность ИПЧ достаточно широкая. Институт занимается обучением в области прав человека, повышением квалификации для представителей юридической профессии в соответствии с принципами справедливости и верховенства права.
Вместе с тем, Институт осуществляет исследовательские проекты в области защиты прав человека, развитии юридической профессии и может принимать участие в правотворческой деятельности, посредством проведения мониторинга законодательства и и подготовки аналитических отчетов.

Каковы, с вашей точки зрения, основные проблемы с правами человека?

Одними из наиболее проблемных моментов в сфере прав человека, как правило, являются: пытки в уголовно исполнительной системе, зависимость судебной системы, коррупция в правоохранительных органах, неисполнение законов правоприменителями, в связи с отсутствием качественного юридического образования. Также безусловно это ограничение гражданских прав: свободы слова, свободы мирных собраний итд.

Как юристы могут способствовать сохранению и развитию прав человека и верховенства закона?

Защищая права своих клиентов и отстаивая интересы правосудия, юристы содействуют защите прав человека и основных свобод, признанных национальным и международным правом. Однако, стоит отметить, что только независимые юристы могут способствовать соблюдению прав человека.

IMG_2274Какова роль международных организаций юристов и международного сотрудничества в защите прав человека?

Международные организации юристов стимулируют профессию, способствуют обмену опытом и непрерывному образованию. Идейно-правовые начала во всех правовых системах универсальны. Более того, права человека универсальны, и в этом плане международное сотрудничество в защите прав человека способствует соблюдению правительствами стран принципов прав человека.

Большое спасибо за наши переговоры.

AEA-EAL on the 6th International Forum of Lawyers


The VI KAZAKHSTAN FORUM OF LAWYERS was held on November 19, 2021. The event was devoted to the topic „Strategy for the development of the legal profession”. Within the framework of the Forum, AEA-EAL President Maria Slazak delivered a presentation on modern threats to institutional and professional independence. Other speakers raised such topics as the quality assurance of legal assistance in new conditions and effective solutions in the field of legal assistance, transformation of legal assistance in the context of digitalisation and other challenges of the next decade. The speakers of the Forum were lawyers from Kazakhstan, Russia, Georgia, Spain, Belgium and Poland. Organizers of the conference were the Republican Collegium of Advocates, the OSCE Program Office in Nur-Sultan and the Legal Policy Research Center.

Click the below link to access recording from the FORUM:

1st international „Mediation for Lawyers” Forum

Under the united initiative of the Mediators Association of Georgia and the Georgian Bar Association, with the support of USAID-PROLoG – Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia Activity, the annual international forum „Mediation for Lawyers” was established.
International Forum “Mediation for Lawyers” was conducted and moderated by the chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia and the chair of the AEA-EAL Mediation Committee – Irakli Kandashvili. During the forum, the President of the Supreme Court of Georgia Nino Kadagidze, the First Deputy Minister of Justice of Georgia Tamar Tkeshelashvili, the Director of the USAID Mission Peter A. Wiebler, the President of the European Bar Association Maria Slazak and the chairman of the Georgian Bar Association David Asatiani, have addressed the audience.
Maria Slazak, President of the AEA-EAL addressed the Forum’s participants
The forum was also attended by invited foreign experts from different countries, who shared their experience and the practice of their countries with their colleagues. The participants of the international forum unanimously agreed on the importance of the role of the representative in the mediation process. The establishment of the International Forum „Mediation for Lawyers” is a singular opportunity for lawyers to get acquainted with the annual news and achievements of the alternative dispute resolution mechanism. It should be noted, that a charter was signed at the end of an event, which aims to encourage the further development of mediation. Mediators Association of Georgia carries on an active campaign to promote mediation and plans to establish a number of other permanent platforms that will contribute to the further development of mediation in Georgia.

Interesting conference on Kazakhstan economy perspectives


Georgi Gotev, Senior Editor, EURACTIV

09:30 – 10:45

  • Welcome
  • Panellist statements
  • Discussion and Q&A
  • Closing statements

Ana Alexandrescu

Kazakhstan is the largest CO2 emitter in Central Asia and the 14th largest in the world due to its strong energy and extractives sectors, as well as the processing, transportation, storage, and combustion of fuels. Recently, the Kazakh government started developing a green agenda to facilitate a gradual transition to green energy and a greener economy.

While the goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2060 was outlined by President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev at the December 2020 UN Climate Ambition Summit, the COP26 (UN Conference of the Parties), taking place at the beginning of November, is likely to see renewed ambitions and pledges to accelerated decarbonisation.

Being a landlocked and developing country, Kazakhstan’s transport sector constitutes an important part of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions. Its strategic location makes Kazakhstan the main transport hub at the centre of the Eurasian continent, with the potential to be the EU’s Green Gateway to East Asia.

Recent and continuous improvements along the Eurasian rail freight routes have made it possible to absorb safely and efficiently considerable transit. The European Commission’s recent ‘Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy’ guides the mobility sector to achieve a 90% cut in carbon emissions by 2050, and includes doubling rail freight traffic by 2050. It also encourages improved connections, adapting the core rail network so that it is fully suitable for absorbing much higher freight traffic.

Discussion on how close relations between the EU and Kazakhstan can help the greening of the Kazakh economy and transport sector. What scope is there for Kazakhstan’s energy production to move towards cleaner, renewable energy sources? And what role can the EU play in this process, in line with its Strategy on Connecting Europe and Asia?

4th Belt and Road Conference by The Law Society of Hong Kong

Dear All,

The Law Society of Hong Kong’s 4th Belt and Road Conference themed “Global Recovery and Harmony through the Belt and Road Initiative”, as part of the Department of Justice’s Hong Kong Legal Week 2021, will be held on Thursday, 4 November 2021 at 09:00 – 17:30 (Hong Kong time) via Zoom. The Conference will be conducted in English with simultaneous interpretation from English to Putonghua and Cantonese.

Eminent speakers from global lawyers associations, government bodies, enterprises, regulatory bodies and academia will discuss ongoing initiatives and plans; practical guidance on manoeuvring in geo-politically troubled waters; and effective resolution of disputes to build harmony and realise opportunities across the Belt and Road. Registration is complimentary and first-come, first-served. Please visit the Conference Website to check out the distinguished lineup of speakers and more details.

REGISTER TODAY to secure your seat and to exchange views with legal practitioners and businessmen from around the world!

In the meantime, should you require further information on this event, please feel free to contact the Law Society’s Secretariat at +852 2846 8818 or

We look forward to welcoming you at the Conference soon!

Yours faithfully,
The Law Society of Hong Kong

Address: 3/F, Wing On House, 71 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2846 8818
Fax: +852 2845 0387

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