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SAVE A DATE: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity “Business. Algorithm. Law.”, Sopot, Poland, September 26-27, 2024

AEA-EAL and the Gdańsk Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law invite you to the third edition of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity “Business. Algorithm. Law.”.

When: September 26-27, 2024

Where: Sopot, Poland

This year the conference will focus on artificial intelligence and cybersecurity within targeted sectors: maritime, insurance, life sciences, and alternative dispute resolutions.

This will be the third time for AEA-EAL New Technologies Committee to take part in organizing that event.

The agenda and registration details will be provided in due time.

SAVE A DATE: Polish-German Legal Forum, Opole, Poland, September 5-7, 2024

AEA-EAL and the Opole Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law invite you to the 14th edition of the Polish-German Legal Forum.

When: September 5-7, 2024

Where: Opole, Poland

The Polish German Legal Forum is a periodic conference, covering cross-border legal issues, including the EU law and the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, supporting international cooperation between lawyers and cross-border provision of legal services.

The substantive blocks of the Forum are obligations in anti-money laundering, and international family law and lawyers’ communication.

One of the speakers at the Forum will be a representative of AEA-EAL collective member, Malaga Bar Association – Mayte Garcia.

The agenda and registration details will be provided in due time.

AEA-EAL New President elected – David Asatiani from Georgia

We are very glad to present the new President of our Association, Mr. David Asatiani.

David Asatiani was elected as the President of the European Association of Lawyers on June 13, 2024. Previously, he served as Vice-President of the Association from 2021 to 2024.

David Asatiani is also in his second term as the President of the Georgian Bar Association (GBA), having been re-elected during the General Assembly’s annual meeting in 2021. He has been a member of the GBA since its foundation in 2005. He was a member of the Executive Board of the GBA in 2006-2010 and 2013-2017. At the same time, he served as an International Secretary of the GBA. In 2008-2017 he was a representative of the GBA to the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE). As for 2010-2017, he was a Chairman of the Working Groups of Judges, Lawyers and Prosecutors.

David Asatiani founded the law firm Asatiani Law Partners in 2005 and is still its founding partner. In 1998-2005 he was a senior lawyer at various law firms and in 2012 he became a CEDR accredited mediator.

As a member of the Constitutional Commission, in 2017, David Asatiani was actively involved in the process of drafting a new Constitution of Georgia; in 2012-2013 he was a member and Chairman of the Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Judiciary. In 2009-2013 he was the founder and chairman of the NGO Georgian Lawyers for Independent Profession (GLIP).

In 1997 David Asatiani graduated from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of International Law and International Relations, specializing in International Law; he completed his postgraduate studies at Tbilisi State University in 2001 and back in 1995 he also graduated from the Tbilisi Institute of Law and Economics. He has received extensive professional experience in organization and functioning of the justice system and legal profession in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, etc.

David Asatiani is proficient in Georgian, Russian and English.

SAVE A DATE: Conference „Liberal Market Order and Zeitenwende”, Bern, Switzerland, September 12, 2024

AEA-EAL and the University of Bern invite you to the market access conference „Liberal Market Order and Zeitenwende”.

When: September 12, 2024

Where: University of Bern, World Trade Institute, Auditorium Silva Casa, Hallerstrasse 6, Ground floor, CH-3012 Bern

Registration by email to Ms. Sandra Joseph – – by 21 August 2024; please indicate whether you plan to attend the entire conference or only parts. Also, please inform us, if your plans to attend change. Please note that due to space limitations and demand your registration is only valid upon confirmation which you will receive at the latest by 25 August 2024.

Download the Program here: PROGRAM

Election of the new President and Vice-Presidents, 2024 Annual General Assembly

On June 13, 2024, the Annual General Assembly (AGA) of the European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL) took place, which was followed by the meeting of the AEA-EAL Board of Directors.

Election of the new President and Vice-Presidents

Due to the expired term of office of the AEA-EAL President Maria Ślązak the Board of Directors elected the new President – David Asatiani (from Georgia), the Chair of the Georgian Bar Association and the former Vice-President of the AEA-EAL. The Board also elected the First Vice-President, Christoph von Wilcken (from Germany) and two Vice-Presidents – Nielson Sánchez-Stewart (from Spain), and Michel Forges (from Belgium). Aleksandra Siewicka-Marszałek (from Poland) was elected as the Secretary General.

All Members of the Board expressed their gratitude to Maria Ślązak and congratulated her for the successful term of office as the AEA-EAL President. The President was especially praised for expanding the activities of the Association for new geographical regions.

2024 Annual General Assembly

The important part of the AGA was the nomination of the members of the AEA-EAL Board of Directors (BoD) (alphabetical order):

– David Asatiani – Georgia

– Irakli Kandashvili – Georgia

– Iain G. Mitchell KC – Scotland

– Juan Núñez Ferrer -Spain

– Vladimir Palamarciuc- Moldova

– Sabine Perquy-Forke – Belgium

– Nielson Sánchez-Stewart – Spain

– Paolo Sguotti – Italy

– Aleksandra Siewicka-Marszałek – Poland

– Monique Stengel – France

– Paweł Szcześniewski – Poland

– Maria Ślązak – Poland

– Olivier d’Ursel – Belgium

– Christoph von Wilcken – Germany

– Philipp Zurkinden – Switzerland

– Jean-Louis Collart – Switzerland,

 – Michel Forges – Belgium.

A few words about new Vice-Presidents and Members of the Board

Nielson Sánchez-Stewart (from Spain) – new AEA-EAL Vice-President. Advocate, Doctor Iuris. Since 1977 Senior Partner of Sánchez-Stewart Abogados, with offices in Marbella (1977), Barcelona (1979) and London (1988). Member of the Bar Associations of Chile, Malaga, Barcelona, Vic and Lucena (Spain). Past President of the Bar Association of Málaga (2003-2006). Professor of Ethics at the School of Legal Practice of the Bar Association of Málaga, Universidad de Málaga and Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.

Michel Forges (from Belgium) – new AEA-EAL Vice-President. Advocate. Founder of Faber Inter Legal. Member of the Brussels Bar since 1982. President of the Brussels Bar (Ordre Français du Barreau de Bruxelles) in 2018. Certified mediator.

Jean-Louis Collart (from Switzerland) – new AEA-EAL Member of the Board of Directors. Attorney-at-Law. Founding Partner of ATHENA Avocats – Attorneys-at-Law. Member of Geneva Bar Association (OdA) and Swiss Bar Association (SAV/FSA). Past Chairman of the Geneva Bar Supervisory Board and Past President of this Bar.

Webinar „Legal Situation of Mothers in Countries from the East to the West” – May 23, 2024

The European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL) and the Opole Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law invite you to the webinar „Legal Situation of Mothers in Countries from the East to the West” that will be held on zoom platform on May 23, 2024 at 16:00 CET.

Language: English.

The participants of the webinar get the participation certificates.

The participation in the webinar is free of charge.

Register at: and get the webinar online stream link.

International Conference „Development of the human rights lawyers’ community: theory and practice”, Vilnius, Lithuania, April 19-20, 2024

On April 19-20, 2024, in Vilnius, Lithuania, a Conference was held entitled „Development of the human rights lawyers’ community: theory and practice”. AEA-EAL collective member – the Białystok Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law – representative, Helena Janczylik participated as a speaker with the presentation „On the Role of Polish Lawyers’ Associations in Supporting „Defendants of Justice” and „Human Rights Lawyers” in the current Europe”.

The objectives of the Conference were:

– to strengthen the legal community of the Eastern European region based on common values, competencies and approaches for increasing access to justice and promoting and protecting human rights,

– to identify opportunities to increase access to justice through the activities of human rights lawyers,

– to discuss issues of in-service training of human rights lawyers and strengthening educational outcomes.

The Conference was dedicated to the Belarusian Association of Human Rights Lawyers, registered in Vilnius, Lithuania, bringing together Belarusian lawyers in exile, deprived of the status of a lawyer in their country for political reasons, forced to leave their country, and to present and discuss best practices and support for human rights lawyers who have already started implementing these methods in their activities.

The Conference also discussed the draft of a new Convention on the Legal Profession, particularly with regard to its relevance to expanding the circle of defenders of justice, which includes human rights lawyers who are deprived of their status as lawyers for their professional activities in non-democratic countries. At the same time, the possibility and need to create an international association of human rights lawyers, which would bring together lawyers from all over the world, who are deprived of their statute in their countries and repressed for political reasons in their countries, was debated, since, according to the Report prepared by consultant Jeremy McBride under the leadership of the European Committee for Legal Cooperation (CDCJ), the fundamental values of the legal profession are being violated in many countries. 

The Conference was attended by a significant number of participants and lecturers from various countries.

The conference also featured an art exhibition „Belarusian Lawyers in Prison,” dedicated to Belarusian lawyers who were political prisoners in Belarus.

Webinar „Mediation for Cross-Border Business Disputes” – April 18, 2024

The European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL) and the International Online Dispute Resolution Centre (eBRAM) invite you to the webinar „Mediation for Cross-Border Business Disputes” that will be held on zoom platform on April 18, 2024 at 12:00 CET.

Language: English.

The participants of the webinar get the participation certificates.

The participation in the webinar is free of charge.

Register at: and get the webinar online stream link.

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