Venue :
Il lustre Col legi d’Advocats de Barcelona
8a Planta
C/Mallorca, 283
Tel. 93 496 18 80
Fax. 93 215 77 48
e-mail :
Thursday June 8, 2006
20.30 h : optional acquaintance supper, Restaurant „Tapa Madre”, Mallorca 301
(payment at the restaurant)
Friday June 9, 2006
09.00 h Registration
09.45 h Welcome speech
Excma. Sra. Silvia Gimenez-Salinas, President of the Barcelona Bar
Workshops moderator : Marc Willemart, Lawyer, Brussels
10.00 h Problems of European Law of competition within agency contracts
Sr. Carles Prat, Lawyer, Barcelona
10.30 h The end of the agency contract
Sr. Juan Nunez, Lawyer, Barcelona
11.00 h Coffee break
11.30 h Problems of European Law of competition within distribution contract
Elisabeth Hoffmann, Lawyer, Brussels
12.00 h The automobile dealer contract
Stephane Willemart, Lawyer, Brussels
12.30 h Debate
13.30 h Lunch (buffet)
15.00 h Problems of European Law of competition within franchise contracts
Sr. Josep Gajo, Lawyer, Barcelona
15.30 h The end of franchise contracts
Jerome Zuccarelli, Lawyer, Nice
16.00 h Coffee break
16.30 h Round table, National particularities and conclusions
Various speakers
Moderator Sr. Luis Antonio Sales, Lawyer, Barcelona
18.00 h Conclusions
Clemens van Nispen, President of the AEA-EAL
20.30 h Dinner (optional)
Restaurant „4Gats”
Montsio, 3 bis – Tel. 93 302 41 40)
Saturday June 10, 2006
09.30 h Board Meeting AEA-EAL
11.00 h General Assembly AEA
12.45 h Excursion (optional)
to a „Cava” cellar