Market Access Seminar series – join us!

The University of Bern’s Institute of European and International Economic Law,

the World Trade Institute,

the European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL)

invite you to a workshop on the following topic:

50th Anniversary of the Free Trade Agreement – state of play of the trade relationship between Switzerland and the EU

 13 October 2022, University of Bern Hallerstrasse 6 (ground floor) Auditorium Silva Casa 3012 Bern, Switzerland

We have invited high-level experts representing both the public and private sectors, to discuss salient issues concerning the trade relationship between Switzerland and the EU; please find the agenda attached.

Participation in this event is on invitation only. We would be delighted if you could attend.

For administrative reasons, we kindly request your registration to Sandra Joseph ( or Nicole Stofer ( by 6 October 2022.

Program for download (subject to further changes)

Warm regards,

Professor Michael Hahn & Professor Philipp Zurkinden

Fees: CHF 200.- (CHF 150.- for members of the AEA; speakers, public sector employees and academics are exempted), to be paid on the account of Prager Dreifuss AG, Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG, CH-8070 Zurich, SWIFT: CRESCHZZ80A, Clearing: 4835; IBAN: CH98 0483 5044 0201 0100 0

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