Our events in 2022

You can find below information on forthcoming and planned events of our Association in 2022 organized online, on-site and in hybrid form. Stay tuned for details and updates.

Women about Women

online conference on women, lawyers, and more on the occasion of the International Women Day

globus kopia


8 March 2022


An online event on Zoom

Who should participate?

Lawyers and all interested people

How much does it cost?

The conference is free of charge is free of charge

Where to register?

To find more info and access details click here

Mediation Webinar on online dispute resolution

Dispute resolution, agreement and legally resolve problems conce


8 April 2022 at 15.00 (CET) – tbc


Online event on

Who should participate?

Lawyers, mediators, specialists, and people interested in the specificity of the online conflict solving

How much does it cost?

The webinar is free of charge.

Where to register?

More info coming soon – stay tuned for updates!

35th AEA-EAL Anniversary Dinner and General Assembly

35 Years Anniversary Vector Template Illustration Design. Vector


15 – 16 May 2022



Who should participate?

AEA-EAL members & friends

How much does it cost?

More info coming soon – stay tuned for updates!

4th Twinning of Lawyers



June/July 2022 (tbc)


hybrid form (tbc)

Who should participate?

AEA-EAL members, partners from Twinning countries, and all interested lawyers

How much does it cost?

More info coming soon – stay tuned for updates!

Market Access Seminar

Our leading insiders’ event for experts and specialists

Accounting concept


October/ November 2022 (tbc)


hybrid form (tbc)

Who should participate?

lawyers, specialists on market access, experts on EU trade & investment law

How much does it cost?

More info coming soon – stay tuned for updates!

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AEA-EAL aisbl - siege social/headquartes: Avenue Louise 235 - 1050 Bruxelles/Brussels - Belgique/Belgium KBO/BCE 0465.302.664
phone: +32 (0)2 467 34 24 e-mail: aea-eal@aea-eal.eu

Copyright 2023 AEA-EAL