Practical Aspects of GDPR – How lawyers should be prepared?

7 – 10 September 2017 in Olsztyn, Poland

Conference “Practical aspects of the EU regulation 2016/679 concerning the protection of personal data. How the lawyers should be prepared?” took place on September 7-9, 2017 in Olsztyn. The AEA-EAL was a co-organizer of this event with its four prestigious speakers from United Kingdom (Iain Mitchell QC), Hungary (Peter Homoki), China (Susan Ning) and Poland (Manana Topolewska). Dean of the Olsztyn Bar Association Katarzyna Skrodzka – Sadowska and AEA-EAL President Maria Ślązak welcomed participants underlying that presence of lawyers and other guests from seven countries shows a European dimension of the conference. AEA-EAL President highlighted also importance General Data Protection Regulation (further GDPR), its practical aspects of implementation and preparation of lawyers and law firms for the new legal regime. AEA-EAL speakers presented relations of the coming law with the professional secrecy, guidelines of international organization of lawyers on implementation GDPR rules by lawyers and on how to advise clients on application of the Regulation, influence of the GDPR on business processes inside the company as well as on non- EU regulations in the area of data protection including transfer of data to another jurisdiction. The presentations also touched upon the best personal data protection practices under the GDPR, the tools for safe, effective and compliant with law transfer of personal data and practical examples of GDPR implementation challenges for lawyers. Participants also benefited from the comprehensive cultural program, which allowed them to discover the beauty and hospitality of Warmia and Masuria Region.

Conference presentations are available here

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