Webinar on European Arrest Warrant

Please find below an invitation from Cracow Bar Association:

Cracow Bar Association is organizing an international online conference on European cooperation with respect to the European Arrest Warrant. A common legal space is built on a coherent system of judicial cooperation. In recent years and months, we have observed a growing problem with the smooth application of this mechanism. We wish to focus our discussion on two main concerns:

  1. a systemic issue of doubts about the independence of the judiciary; and
  2. a subject matter issue in cases of parental abduction, where the trend is to refuse the execution of the EAW

The conference is going to take place on 18 February at 6 pm via Zoom. Participation is free of charge. Below you will find more information.

Click here for Registration

Topic: Contemporary challenges to the smooth execution of the European Arrest Warrant

Time: Feb 18, 2021, 18.00

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 833 0641 2238

Passcode: 429619


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