Call to sign the petition: free Ebru Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal

AEA-EAL Human Rights Committee supports  a call that has been designated by our colleagues in Turkey and aim to bring, another time, the international and Turkey colleagues together. We are collecting signatures for the attached call. It is a very short statement calling on the Turkish authorities to release Ebru and Aytac on pending trial, again, and also letting Ebru and Aytac know that we, as their colleagues, need them with us in our struggle for the rule of law and protection of our clients’ fair trial rights.

This call is open for signatures from individual lawyers. If you would like to sign, please follow the link below and write down your name and surname. It is a very quick and straightforward process.

Petition is open for signing here.

The deadline for this action is 21 August 2020 (Friday).

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