AI Beyond the Hype, 30 May – 1 June 2019 in Edinburgh, Scotland (UK)
AI Beyond the Hype, 30 May – 1 June 2019 in Edinburgh, Scotland (UK)
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It was a great pleasure in meeting you in Edinburgh on an international conference on Artificial Intelligence AI Beyond the Hype – Benefits, Challenges and Liabilities on May 30 – June 1, 2019. The conference was organized by our Association AEA-EAL, the Scottish Society for Computers and Law and the Faculty of Advocates in partnership with British Computer Society and the SCRIPT Centre at Edinburgh University. Topics discussed included: What is AI and why should I care?; AI and legal liability; AI and Fundamental Rights; Towards an Ethical use of AI and AI and licensing issues. The speakers were leading experts, both legal practitioners and academics: Professor Timo Minssen, Director of the Centre for Advanced Studies in Biomedical Innovation Law at the University of Copenhagen; Professor Burkhard Schafer, Professor of Computational Legal Theory and Director of the SCRIPT Centre at Edinburgh University, Katharina Miller, President of the European Women Lawyers Association (EWLA). Andrew Katz, joint editor of the International Free and Open Source Law Review, and a leading expert on software licensing; Chris Rees, the immediate Past President of the British Computer Society, Karmen Turk, advisor to the Estonian Government on AI issues and Iain Mitchell QC, Chairman of the Scottish Society for Computers and Law, Honorary Lecturer in IT Law at Münster University. There were also a video contribution from Wojciech Wiewiórowski, the Assistant Supervisor at the office of the European Data Protection Supervisor. Very interesting presentations, panels and speeches were followed by lively discussions and questions from participants who were truly involved or interested in this fast-moving field. The Conference was a spectacular opportunity to share information and knowledge about AI as hugely important topic as well as was an excellent chance to build an effective platform for communication and cooperation among stakeholders: lawyers, IT professionals and academics.
Please find below links to presentations to be downloaded or streamed:
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