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  • SAVE A DATE: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity “Business. Algorithm. Law.”, Sopot, Poland, September 26-27, 2024

SAVE A DATE: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity “Business. Algorithm. Law.”, Sopot, Poland, September 26-27, 2024

AEA-EAL and the Gdańsk Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law invite you to the third edition of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity “Business. Algorithm. Law.”.

When: September 26-27, 2024

Where: Sopot, Poland

This year the conference will focus on artificial intelligence and cybersecurity within targeted sectors: maritime, insurance, life sciences, and alternative dispute resolutions.

This will be the third time for AEA-EAL New Technologies Committee to take part in organizing that event.

The agenda and registration details will be provided in due time.

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