We are delighted to inform you that Maria Ślazak (Poland) has been re-elected for the position of the AEA-EAL President and Christoph von Wilcken as the Vice-President of our Association. It is worth mentioning that Maria and Christoph received unanimous support in their respective votes.

Maria Ślązak is a Polish lawyer possessing a long time of experience in advising and representing in courts businesses from various sectors through the law firm which she established in 1991. In particular, she specializes in comprehensive advisory services to foreign investors as regards both commercial law and property investment, general principles of tax law, competition law, and legal services to banks and foreign investment funds.
Maria is the Past President of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) and Past Vice-President of the polish national Bar of Attorneys-at-law. She has been serving as the AEA-EAL President since July 2017.

Christoph von Wilcken, Ph. D., is a German lawyer who specialised in restructuring, self-administration and legal consulting, author of a number of publications in the area of insolvency law, EU law and restructuring of business.
Christoph is a member of Deutscher Anwaltverein (DAV) working party on insolvency law and restructuring, Berliner Steuergespräche and TMA Turnaround Management Association UK. He has been serving as the AEA-EAL Vice-President since July 2016.