Practical HELP course for AEA-EAL members

Registration for the course is now closed!

In April and May, a group of our members and colleagues will participate in the HELP online training on practical aspects of lawyer’s deontology. With this project, we are enhancing our contacts with the European Young Bar Association (EYBA), initiated in 2019. Some EYBA members are joining the training as well. 

The HELP online course covers interactively the key concepts and principles, the International and European (CoE and EU) framework, as well as the relevant case-law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). It aims to deepen the knowledge and understanding of professional tools and develop reflective skills based on practical examples, to address ethical dilemmas in professional duties. This course is thought to help professionals understand the purpose and importance of ethics in the administration of justice for the benefit of the people, allowing them to identify key concepts and understand common values, ethical principles and virtues.

The course consists of 2 general modules on Introduction, and International and European Framework, as well as 3 specific modules for judges, prosecutors and lawyers, respectively:

• Why do professional ethics matter?
• Common values and principles
• Key concepts
• Distinction between ethical principles and disciplinary rules. International and European Framework
• Treaty norms: United Nations, Council of Europe, European Union, Professional bodies
• Tools Ethics for Lawyers
• General principles
• Relation with other parties
• Values
• Tools
• Practical examples

The launch event will be held online, by web conference. Its main goal is to introduce participants to the Council of Europe HELP Platform, on which the course will be subsequently implemented and followed by the participants with the assistance of two experienced HELP tutors: Vladimir Palamarciuc and Michaela Chladekova.

The introductory session is taking place on 28 April 2022 (14.00-17.00 CET)

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