AEA-EAL General Assembly – 18 June 2021

It was a real pleasure to see so many of you during the AEA-EAL General Assembly held on June 14. It was again only a virtual meeting of friends from so many countries! We are all tired of restrictions connected with the pandemic and hoping to see each other in person next year.

Our President Maria Ślązak delivered a report (which can be downloaded in EN FR RU and PL), covering the year 2020. She also mentioned important developments that occurred in the first part of the current year. Many things have happened in the last 18 months. We smoothly moved from stationary conferences and events into online seminars and workshops deciding to allow free participation to all our members and friends. Seven international events gathered lawyers from more than 20 countries on three continents, among the others Twinning of Lawyers, organized for the second time, in partnership with the Council of Europe (CoC) and the Bar in Odesa, Ukraine. We participated in a special hearing organized by the Committee for Legal Affairs of the Parliamentary Assembly of the CoC delivering expertise and information in the process of work on the  Convention on the profession of a lawyer. Each year we are more visible and recognizable internationally.

Chairs of AEA-EAL Committees delivered information on activities of respective commissions: Philipp Zurkinden – Scientific Committee, Maria Ślązak instead of deceased Jean-Pierre van Cutsem) – Marketing Committee, Magdalena Witkowska – Human Rights Committee, Irakli Kandashvili – Mediation Committee and Juan Nunez – Networking – Membership Committee.

AEA-EAL Treasurer Sabine Perquy – Forke presented yearly accounts that were accepted unanimously by participants.

Unfortunately in the last 18 months, we experienced some sad news that had to be announced. Between spring 2020 and spring 2021 four distinguished members of the AEA-EAL Andrzej Kaliński (Poland), Kurt Weil (Germany), Albert- Louis Dupont-Willemin (Switzerland), Philippe Jacob, (France) as well as Jean-Pierre van Cutsem (Belgium). All our deceased Friends were honoured with a minute of silence.

Existing members of the Board of Directors were re-elected for another 3-years term of office. Also, three new Directors were elected: Nielson Sanchez Stewart (Spain), Olivier d’Ursel (Belgium) and Vladimir Palamarciuc (Moldova). We wish all new Directors good luck in their work for the AEA-EAL.

Elisabeth Hoffmann (Belgium), a long-lasting member of the AEA-EAL, its past President and member of the Board of Directors till last year has been awarded honorary membership thanks to her exceptional involvement, work and dedication to the AEA-EAL.

And finally – another good information: The General Assembly decided to lower membership fees for full individual members from outside the EU/EEC.


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