AEA-EAL President in Romania

On April 20 and 21 Maria Ślązak, AEA-EAL President was a guest of the Bar of Romania on the occasion of celebrating the 100 anniversary of the union between Kingdom of Romania and Transylvania, which was the beginning of the modern state of Romania. Maria, who is also a vice-chair of the PECO Committee of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) – a body responsible for external relations of the CCBE – was a speaker on professional secrecy/privilege of lawyers from a national and European perspective. She was talking about concerns and the steps undertaken within the PECO Committee in regard to complains connected to infringements of this fundamental value of the legal profession, mainly those related to searches of lawyers premises, interception and taping of phone conversation of the lawyer, control of the private correspondence of the lawyer as well as uncontrolled communication between the lawyer and his client.

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