AEA-EAL Annual Congress in Barcelona, June 15-17, 2017

On June 15-16-17, took place at the Barcelona Bar Association the congress of the our Association, with a very important and successful conference on the new European Regulation about cross-border insolvencies, and the forthcoming Proposal for a Directive on preventive restructuring frameworks and Fresh Start opportunities.

This new Regulation and the forthcoming Proposal for a Directive represent a major step forward in achieving uniform insolvency regulation at European level. This is to avoid obstacles in the management of processes, since more and more companies have branches, and workplaces spread throughout Europe.

The conference in Barcelona brought together a dozen experts from different countries who debated before the participants about their respective systems and the opportunities and advantages of a more harmonized system.

The conference was opened by the member of the Board of the Barcelona Bar, responsible for international affairs.

But not all was work! There were different very kind events for the network and relaxing.

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