1st international „Mediation for Lawyers” Forum

Under the united initiative of the Mediators Association of Georgia and the Georgian Bar Association, with the support of USAID-PROLoG – Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia Activity, the annual international forum „Mediation for Lawyers” was established.
International Forum “Mediation for Lawyers” was conducted and moderated by the chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia and the chair of the AEA-EAL Mediation Committee – Irakli Kandashvili. During the forum, the President of the Supreme Court of Georgia Nino Kadagidze, the First Deputy Minister of Justice of Georgia Tamar Tkeshelashvili, the Director of the USAID Mission Peter A. Wiebler, the President of the European Bar Association Maria Slazak and the chairman of the Georgian Bar Association David Asatiani, have addressed the audience.
Maria Slazak, President of the AEA-EAL addressed the Forum’s participants
The forum was also attended by invited foreign experts from different countries, who shared their experience and the practice of their countries with their colleagues. The participants of the international forum unanimously agreed on the importance of the role of the representative in the mediation process. The establishment of the International Forum „Mediation for Lawyers” is a singular opportunity for lawyers to get acquainted with the annual news and achievements of the alternative dispute resolution mechanism. It should be noted, that a charter was signed at the end of an event, which aims to encourage the further development of mediation. Mediators Association of Georgia carries on an active campaign to promote mediation and plans to establish a number of other permanent platforms that will contribute to the further development of mediation in Georgia.

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