Meeting of the AEA-EAL Board

AEA-EAL Board of Directors after the meeting in Brussels

On January 18, 2020 AEA-EAL Board met in Brussels to confirm activities of the Association planned for 2020 as well as to discuss enhancing of cooperation with the Brussels Bar. Directors welcomed Isabelle Andoulsi, Member of the Board of the French Speaking Brussels Bar and exchanged their views on future common actions. Further mutual meeting was confirmed. The Board discussed issues connected with strengthening cooperation of the AEA-EAL with Eastern lawyers. Our President Maria Ślazak passed her words of gratitude to Directors for their work in 2019 resulting with successful events and increased number of members. The Board supported President’s strategy and planned actions. During the meeting, Directors confirmed three events that will be organized this year by our Association: a conference on Legal language in practice of lawyers and courts together with the Białystok Bar of Attorneys-at-Law. The event is taking place on 25 – 27 June 2020 in Białystok, Poland. Our second event is Twinning of Lawyers organized together with the Odessa Bar Council on 10 – 13 September 2020 in Odessa, Ukraine. And in the autumn we invite you for Third Scientific Seminar: Market Access and EEA – Free Trade – and alternatives that will take place on 29 October 2020 in Bern, Switzerland.

AEA-EAL President and Past Presidents: Monique Stengel, Elisabeth Hoffmann, Maria Ślązak (President), Jean-Pierre van Cutsem

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