Modern Legal Profession

8 – 9 November 2018 in Tbilisi, Georgia

Laurent Pettiti (France), Maria Ślązak (AEA-EAL President, Poland), David Asatiani (GBA President), Christoph von Wilcken (AEA-EAL Vice-President, Germany), Rupert Wolff (President of the Austrian Bar)

The Georgian Bar Association (GBA) and the European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL) held a very intensive conference on the Modern Legal Profession conference in Tbilisi. The speakers touched on such issues as the exclusivity of the lawyers’ profession, protection of the legal services market, entrance into the lawyers’ profession and support of newcomers: European standards and best practices, the road to drafting the European Convention on the Profession of Lawyer and role of bar associations and private lawyers in providing pro-bono legal aid.

At the end of the conference, its participants called the Council of Europe unanimously to adopt the European Convention on the Profession of Lawyer. You may read the resolution here.

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